TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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taxi screeech to a halt, half a block up, and then an agile cat, quick as a snap, hopped out and ran up to the porch of the house. The mon was full, and the man in it...
was turning into a werewolf, the cat hid under the couch,
the wolfman went outside in the misty fog and howled at the moon.
Then he went...
trick or treating even though it wasn't quite Halloween yet. He would paw at someone's door until they opened it, and then would say...
Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night
May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright.
If the homeowner gave him a treat, he would lick their face, but if they didn't...
he would take a poop in their flower bed. Eventually...
he could poop no more, so he resorted to...
ripping, biting out their jugular vein and killing them and going back in the woods,
howling at the moon. Then an old Gypsy lady found him and...
(okay, Beth, you're just scary! :-})

Then an old Gypsy lady found him and he loved her & changed his ways & now he can be seen on Animal Planet...
along with those dogs some guys are able to whisper to and.... You know, no one claims to be adept at whispering marching orders to cats, and I asked Mrs. Pennypacker bout that, and aftee opening her jaws in a laugh, she said...
"let me tell you a story about the difference b/t dogs and cats...

'A human comes home to a dog, feeds it, pets it, takes care of it... the dog thinks, "WOW! He's sooo good to me! He must be a god!"

A human comes home to a cat, feeds it, pets it, takes care of it... the cat thinks,
"She's so good to me. I must be a god." '

At that, TeeBubbaDee rolled over on his back & exclaimed,...
PLEASE rub my belly!!!! If you rub my belly I'll grant you 3 wishes. Of course for your wishes to come true, you also have to...
feed me burgers & onion rings & play fetch with me. I'll toss the ball & you...
you bring it back along with the beer, pizza and the mail, and I will give you some Milk Bone dog biscuits.TeeBubbaDee didn't think that was fair and growled and said...




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