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In addition to the SUPER BOWL, Punxsutawney Phil and Valentine's Day, I hope that  February brings you lots of good reads! I'm starting off with what I anticipate to be a couple winners!  This morning I picked up at the library Sue Monk Kidd's THE INVENTION OF WINGS  and Joyce Carol Oates new release CARTHAGE.

Happy reading to you all!!!!!

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Thanks for the info. I have been disappointed in books written by some of my favorite authors lately. Hurwitz is new to me and I have ordered one from my library.

Finished Sycamore Road and thought it was just OK...  certainly not his best effort.  Too much trial stuff and not enough story IMHO.  I figured out why he did what he did long before they revealed it in the book.

I am one chapter into  Killing Jesus by Bill O'Reilly.  This is not a religious book but a strictly historical account of Jesus life and death.  It is holding my interest right from the beginning.  I was surprised to learn that Jesus was actually born in 4BC and lived more than the 32 years we were taught as children... possibly to the age of 36 and you learn how they come by these facts along the way. 

I guess it's a good book to read now with Lent just around the corner.

Yesterday I stopped by the local library at our retirement village and they were running a Valentine Promotion.  The volunteer librarians had gift wrapped about 50 books, with the invitation to take a blind date that you may even end up going to bed with you sometime this week (a bit risque for a bunch of 70 and 80 year old prunes drying in the sun, but what the hell).  I selected one, which ended up being "Play Dead" by Harlan Coben.  After reading the book I have to answer the following questions:

First impression?

Did you have a good time with your date?

Did you stay up late with your date?

Is your date a___keeper or a ___dud?

Would you go on another blind date? 

What a neat idea....You were lucky to get a good book that you liked.  Me I would have probably have picked something I would have already read.  Done that a few times when picking out myself.  Is not old age wonderful.  LOL

Cobin's "Play Dead" kept me up well into the night keeping  track of all the twists and turns.  This is the early Harlan Coben that I remember.  Great read!

I am now starting on my free February read from Amazon Prime.  It is called "The Sisterhood" and promises to be a great saga type story by Helen Bryan.  http://www.amazon.com/The-Sisterhood-Helen-Bryan/dp/1611099285  I thoroughly enjoyed her "War Brides" a few months back, that had action in WWII Britain during the air-raids and spy angle that increased the intrigue. 

Last night I finished an interesting book by Diane Chamberlain.  The book, NECESSARY LIES, is about a social worker in rural NC dealing with the state's Eugenic Program that was in effect for many years.  I found this book much more readable than THE INVENTION OF WINGS.   I hadn't realized that until 1974 in North Carolina there was still state-mandated sterilizations and so much racial tension.  I cared about the characters.  Here, take a look to see if it would interest you.


Stated "In One Person" by John Irving. http://www.amazon.com/One-Person-John-Irving-ebook/dp/B005LJEVK0/re... It deals with a bi-sexual personality. I wonder if that means you can marry yourself?  I have always been a John Irving fan, as he wrote about all the dysfunctional personalities he could find in New Hampshire and other places where bears live.  This one was used to put me to sleep, as I used the voice function on my Kindle to run through the first 25% of the book.  The problem with this is I might have missed a bit as I was nodding off from time to time. 

As I get into the book, it is a bit more revealing than I would have expected.  Although anyone who has read "Middlesex" has seen this issue being examined in all its facets.  http://www.amazon.com/Middlesex-Jeffrey-Eugenides-ebook/dp/B002HHPV... 

With all the freedom and acceptance that seem to be going on in the western world today about other sexual arrangement besides the one God created in the Garden of Eden, if you believe such stuff, legitimate inquiry into such alternate arrangement, or natural deviation from the sexual norm, is of interest and should be subject to legitimate examination in popular literature.  John Irving, never one to shy from pushing the limits, has done so in this novel that may not be for everybody's liking.  However, my standard is that if some legitimate publish house will print it, I will probably read it.  

If you go on amazon and search for the Harry Bosch series, the first episode is free.  An address is on facebook under Michael Connelly - but apparently does not work if you put it in manually.  The first episode is of his first 3 books and if it reviews well - the series will continue.  Hope you like it.  I love the books.

Are you talking about a TV series or the books?

I see a download for a TV (?) series but thought you meant the first book was free for a Kindle.

Where is this series on TV???  HBO???

I have read most of the Connelly books, but I couldn't find where any of his books are free. I must have missed something. 

If you go on amazon site - put Harry Bosch movie in the search box -  also if you look on facebook under Michael Connelly it is on his site.  It is the start of a series of movies for tv and if it gets good reviews, amazon plans to continue to make the series.  Hope this helps if not, let me know.




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