TBD on Ning

In addition to the SUPER BOWL, Punxsutawney Phil and Valentine's Day, I hope that  February brings you lots of good reads! I'm starting off with what I anticipate to be a couple winners!  This morning I picked up at the library Sue Monk Kidd's THE INVENTION OF WINGS  and Joyce Carol Oates new release CARTHAGE.

Happy reading to you all!!!!!

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I think you will very much enjoy The Light Between Oceans.  And I don't think you can get enough of the wisdom of Nora Ephrom. She had such wonderful observations on life.

Yes Ephron was wise and funny. I never tire of her books

Kathryn, I've read The Light Between The Oceans and The Most of Nora Ephron and really enjoyed both.  I am about halfway through Big Girls Don't Cry and like it very much.  It's one of those books I have to read a little slower to absorb it but that's ok.  It sounds like we may have similar taste in books!  I get a lot of suggestions for books to read here too.

I was just settling in on my lanai, tea and toast nearby and dog on my lap, when the "battery low" signal popped up on my Kindle. I had gotten into the first 50 pages or so of "20 Years a Slave."  (I posted a note informing that it was on sale for 99cents from Amazon.)  As poor, unfortunate Solomon Northup was being whipped and chained in his cage near Washington DC, the story was stopped for a couple of hours awaiting a re-charge.  What will happen to the poor fellow?  I suppose he will survive the experience, as he lived to tell the tale. 

Always ready, I took a Lisa Unger novel down from the shelf and am about to start on "Darkness My Old Friend."  

two hours to charge the kindle is long, mine charges from empty in half an hour.

I picked up "Twelve Years as a Slave" following your recommendation but have not started it yet.

According to Amazon (Kindle Q&A's) it takes up to 4 hours for a full charge.  The recommendations do say that you can: 1) charge for twenty minutes to get about another hour or more of reading; 2) an accelerated charger is available for purchase for $19.95, or 3) read while the Kindle is charging.  I have a Kindle 2 which is about 4 years old.  The original instructions that came with the Kindle don't tell you how long charging takes.


I'm with Carci regarding Sue Monk Kidd's THE INVENTION OF WINGS.  I waded through 200 pages and truly didn't care for any of the characters.  The story jumped around a lot.  Turns out the book deals with early feminist movements based on actual people. I had thought it was going to be a tale of a white S. Carolina girl in the early 1800s and her relationship with her personal slave gifted to her on her 12th birthday. That relationship was not fully fleshed out in my opinion.

I was 2 days and 222 pages into Sycamore Road this AM when the story finally started getting interesting to me.  I know several people here said it was  their favorite book of 2013 so I kept wondering: when does the wonderful start?  It was just OK up to this to point... lots of boring trial stuff. 

I really loved a couple of his earlier books: The Client and The Testament spring to mind as favorites so I know he is a gifted writer and I'm sure I'll like this story eventually.  I think I may have an idea about the will now...

I thought Sycamore Road was really boring. Had to force myself to finish it. :-(

I am quickly nearing the conclusion of another remarkable book by Louise Penny, this time it is The Cruelest Month.  And as was recommended by this group, I am carefully reading them in the proper order. I very much appreciate that suggestion, because I am finding that is very important with this series.

One thing I need to be careful NOT to do, as suggested in one of the comments by a reviewer, is to “scarf Penny’s books like potato chips” because “it’s ever wise to savor each bite and let the flavors fill your tongue.” So perhaps I will wait a couple months before venturing into the next one.  But then that might be difficult to do.

Love Louise Penney's books. Can't wait for the next one.
Countryphyl...I just read a blurb from our Library: Teddy Roosevelt's 10 Rules for reading.

5. He must not hypocritically pretend to like what he does not.

I'll try to link over the Article as it was fun...guess this 26 Prez was an avid reader...they say he read a book before breakfast and another 2 or 3 in the evening.

I give you PROPS for posting your negative review of Sycamore Row. My DH had a hard time staying engaged until about 1/2 way through. Right now he is reading The Survivor by Gregg Hurwitz and thinks I will love it too. I've had my share of disappointments in 2013 for sure.

"The Day the Crayons Quit" by Drew Daywalt
This was without a doubt the funniest children's book I have ever read! I am sending to Grandkids in Ft.Lauderdale and then buying 2 more copies for my other gang in Orlando and Fort Myers. Actually, I may buy one for the Lobby here at the Office! Think Dave Barry or Carl Hiaasen for children.




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