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What fashion trend will you never understand?

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I saw this a lot when I lived in Southeastern Arizona as well and even though Winters are very mild there, it does get cold and shorts with a coat & hat on does look dumb.

Here in CA there are many guys that don't own a pair of long pants. They wear shorts everywhere but when we have a bit of cold weather they wear big parkas.

I ride the Harley to the club in shorts every day.  The Hells Angels claim I am giving them a bad name.

It never got above 28 all day today.....and here's a young dad at Wal-Mart with his wife and kid, and he's not only wearing shorts......he's got flip-flops on!  Do people just walk out of the house wearing whatever they were wearing on the couch in their living room?? 

And Helen......I will make a deal with you.....I'll take all your 75 deg days if you take all my 95 deg days.....ok? 

Me and heat and humidity are not friends.  My mother always said she was going to die on a hot day.....and she did.  I think I will, too. 

i gotta go along with Helen on this one,I'd rather have 95 than 75,any old day

below 70? it's 8 degrees here

i don't like this cold,i don't like it at all

I'll take the 75 instead of the 110 we get here in Vegas

we're up to 23,i'm going streaking

Not really fashion since it's nothing to do with clothes - manscaping.  Now why????  I don't even get the oiled-up hairless body-builders with their baby-smooth arms and chests.  Yich!!!

WOW,now that's a fashion statement




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