TBD on Ning

The BF finally decided it would be ok to get a puppy....One adoption agency was having a half off sale in memory of the veterans so I bugged my landlord for a reference. Turns out the special was only for vets, but it wasnt worded like that....They would not give me the half off & have since changed the wording in their add...so the cute puppy I wanted I could not have....Too expensive.

I went to another adoption agency which does not charge quite as much & I got a little beagle/terrier mix which was very cute, but not feisty like a puppy should be, so... I asked if I could foster for a week to see if it was ok..They said they do not foster puppies, but I could take it for 24 hours and I could get my money back if the dog did not liven up..

So...I took the dog home & it was sick w/diarrhea & stayed lethargic so I had to take it back this morning,( well within the 24 hr time frame)...They didn't have my money..They say they will send me a check, but who knows?..They dont have a physical address (I just found out) & it is mostly run by volunteers who get credit for school.

When I brought the puppy back I was  drilled about why I brought it back. I kept saying over & over they knew I was coming back if the dog continued to be lethargic. The couple people who were there Sat. acted like they knew nothing & the rest were a new group I didn't see the day before. The girl who was running the show on Sat was not there & she knew I was only taking the puppy over-night to see if he improved...It was a fiasco.

Now..I don't have a puppy & I am out $250.00. The poor little puppy....I am sure they knew that dog was sick..He had  diarrhea so bad we had to let him poop in the mkt shopping lot by a tree on the way home....They had to have known.

It took me a year & a half after Hobo died to make up my mind to get another dog. This is what a person has to go through while there are not nearly enough homes for all the unwanted animals?...They lug poor tired dogs all around town untill they get the money they want for them, when there are many people who would take the dogs home & give them a loving home on the spot If it weren't for the high prices they are charging.  

I am worried about the puppy now....What will become of him?..I hope they give it lots of love..I feel sick.

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The animal rescue people called me today, they say my check will be here by Friday..They say their vet checked the puppy out & there is absolutely nothing wrong w/ him & he was re-adopted out.....I am flabergasted..That dog is very sick, but his personal appearance, coat, gums, nails, weight, look good..

Of course..when these viruses hit its only a matter of time befor the dogs start to get even sicker.....These people wouild not even listen to how sick I say the dog is..They only say.."Do you think we are going to listen to you over our vet?"...They say the puppy was checked again by their vet...Who knows?..They use several vets.

They have me over a barrell.....

No physical address

much of the business is dome on-line or by phone

They set up in front of pet stores or flea markets

They use vets who work side by side w/ them so its win win for them & the vets like I mentioned earlier.

You cant take a puppy home for observation more than 24 hours

They use young volunteers needing school credit

They get people to foster dogs so they have places to put them so they never have to take personal responsibility for them

They say the rescue them from shelters...There is no way to track them down.....They admit they know very little about the dogs

How do you prove foul play? How could you prove if it was being run by a puppy mill undercover..You couldn't unless you did some real detective work...... I dont think I would have a good police case against these people...They have everything tied in a neat little package that looks very good on the outside.

Thing is....some of these organizations are good....How do you know the good oneas from the bad ones? I am at a loss for words....If I drove I could follow them around..Thing is..I dont drive....Getting the proof I need would be really tough.....There is a organization on-line that says they help people who have had bad experiences...I will check into them more throughly tomorrow. I am not much of a talker & get stressed out easily..so.....I dont know what will come of all this..I hope I can do some good somehow.


Jeesh.....I feel between a rock & a hard place.




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