TBD on Ning

I've been watching you guys.
you chatter on here daily on how great your messiah is and how you think its GW's fault and if everyone would just work together it would all get better.
Well heres your chance. I've brought many video's and factual information to your discussion group.
If you've been reading and watching the video's and maybe even watching the news your beloved Democrat leaders and some republican ones are absolutely getting blasted by their constituents in their town hall meetings. The cap and trade bill all but shot down, the health care reform bill all but blown out of the water. more and more evidence that your messiah is aiming to break us with debt and enslave us with government jobs. industry after industry he strives to take over. Blaming Bush is no longer an option, He owns this problem.
More and More evidence revealing Obama hasn't changes one damn thing. faster and faster he barrels on the same course as his predecessor. making every fool attempt to pervert everything this Nation stands for and what has made it great.
Only together as Americans can we stop him, Its time to get angry, I mean flat out mean......
it is as bad as it looks. The federal reserve is without question the bastard child of the bankers.
meant for the purpose of taxing YOU the American people with your federal income tax.
Obama has no intention to shut down the federal reserve, just last month he proposed to give it even more authority to act in anonymity. You should be outraged. You messiah has let you down.
He's not changing anything. Not one damn promise has he kept.
Wheres the transparency he promised. huh?
what reason does he shove bill after bill as fast as he can bullying OUR legislators to vote for his policy. Whats he afraid of huh....
now that we are reading the health care reform bill and the cap and trade bill and the stimulus bill were finding out what he's afraid of..
he's afraid we will learn the truth.. He's out to break us. force us into servitude when we have no other means to provide for ourselves...
Can you do it?
Can you get past the bickering and name calling to see the truth....
I have hope, In every city and every state our legislators are hearing quite the ear full.
The people of this great nation are catching on to the plan and they are not the least bit impressed.
Obama has drug out every poor bastard he could with groups such as Acorn and promised life and prosperity, at the expense of those that are doing well of course. they deserve to be over taxed..
The truth is we are all over taxed, We are all paying federal income tax. We are all paying the federal reserve @#$%^&* interest on money theres no reason for us to be borrowing......
Our own congress forfeited their most creative power. coining money and regulating the value of...
You want health care? wouldn't you think 100 billion a year could cover it?
thats what your paying the federal reserve in interest for printing your money.....
where do you think they got it from?
no where they just printed it up........
your being fleeced people.........
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
point is people. were having dramatic effects on our legislators, keep it up. join forces.
We just might save this country....
oh yea lets not forget that legislators of over 30 state have drafted legislation to force the federal government to abide by the 10th amendment to protect their own citizenry.....

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These people aren't grass roots anything...but astroturf phonies. And has been stated...these are the very victims waiting to happen....and I can't help but wonder if they're cry will be a hollow, lonely echo when those medical bills finally collapse around them....taking savings, business, checking, college accounts...all.

You're quite wrong, tool. of the 72% of the population that WANTS a government program, 90% of them want a single payer system.

Of those 'proposals' I've read, I have two objections: I don't want it mandatory. That much government intrusion I don't want.

And I don't want a private, for profit insurance agency involved. We've lived with those blood suckers long enough. They're spending $1.5 million A DAY to defeat this mess.
Tool, I didn't know Jesus was offering a health care proposal, but I'll bet it's a pretty good one. It makes no difference whether these protesters are Republicans or Democrats or of any other political stripe. They are being used to achieve a goal that is counter to their own interest. This is happening because they are not informed enough to realize what is going on, not interested enough to actually find out, and not smart enough to question the line of crap they are being fed (it's documented) by their corporate masters through the political activists on their payroll.

They may be upset and angry, but they are still kicking themselves in the head...once again. Their situation will become increasingly desperate, if their efforts to derail health care succeed. They will then blame their desperate circumstance on whoever fits the description of "other." Nothing new here...sadly.
"point is people. were having dramatic effects on our legislators, keep it up. join forces.
We just might save this country....
oh yea lets not forget that legislators of over 30 state have drafted legislation to force the federal government to abide by the 10th amendment to protect their own citizenry....."

Roger THAT!
When 70% of the population is interested in a topic, NO POLITICIAN can afford to ignore those numbers regardless of the yammerheads from the astroturf movement. And those from the Party of NO! Those obstructionists, could well find themselves on the outside looking in...and trying to justify their stance come 2010.
Insurance should be non-profit.
that makes no sense what so ever......
Rush Limbaugh and his rabid followers are only trying to keep Obama from succeeding at anything. The fact is they were voted out of power and are desperate enough to compare Obama to Hitler even and claim that old people AND their pets would be put to death under Obama's health plan. For a political party who claims to be the only patriotic one it surely has a lot of members who seem to foster action outside of democratic ways. It saddens me that I served 37 months and 2 days in the military during the VietNam Era to ensure that we have the freedom of speech among other rights only to be used in this perverted way. I don't call this free speech, I call this close to slander, mob rule, intimidation, etc. But democracy will prevail over all this ridiculus noise and senseless chatter!
I think they've passed the point of no return, Jac. ANY party that touts 'values' and 'patroitism' that is content to be led by a drug addicted yammerhead who's NEVER held public office, NEVER stood for any election, and NEVER served in the military...or who lets a washed up has been wannabe prom queen believe she's a viable candidate for ANY office has long lost whatever tracks they were once on.

The only thing the cRyght can do now is feed red meat to the Racists white bread in the south and have the conservatives circle the wagons.
Much to their shame and embarassment, they made the same arguments about Medicare and Medicaid in another decade. THIS will come back and bite them on the ass just as hard.
Amen PD. It is laughable that people believe they have a choice with their private insurance now.




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