TBD on Ning

Whats the last song, Tv Vid, or on-line tune you listened to?..If you cant remember, what do you feel like listening to & if you dont feel like listening to anything, what is one of your all time favorite tunes?..Take your pic.....It's Blast it  time in the old TBd music room tonight.... So hit it peeps This is what I just listened to......It's actually on my profile right now.

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Saw him (Joe Cocker) at Devenshire Downs 3 day concert in Northridge Ca......I was dressed to warm & had nothing to change into....I got sweaty, dirty, hungry, & my friends 12 string guitar got stolen when he put me up on his shoulders to see Hendrix, but I treasure the experience of it all.

Newport '69 Festival, Devonshire Downs, Northridge, California June 20-22th 1969---attendance 150,000---tickets $4.50---PERFORMERS included Jimi Hendrix, Taj Mahal, CCR, Jethro Tull, Spirit, Joe Cocker, Ike and Tina Turner, The Rascals, Johnny Winter, the Byrds, Booker T and the MG's, Eric Burdon and more. There were violent gate-crashing and other destructive incidents. A motorcycle gang, The Street Racers, had been hired for security.

A friend turned me onto this Band. I got goosebumps when I saw this video.....Thank-you to the freedom fighters........
I think I reside someplace inside of Tracy Chapman...esp. when she sings "Crossroads" & "Why"........But this song is sooo pretty..........



Just for fun...




Thank you....
Thanks for all the good ol classic rock joella.....You rock too...:}
thumbs up!
brings back very fond memories....Thanks LJ




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