TBD on Ning

In August most of Europe seems to go on holiday. What are you doing?

I'm trying to stay cool in triple digits. Tolerable in a/c with low humidity and a stack of good reads.

Am reading a delightful, quirky debut novel. Here, take a look/see:


What are you reading?

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I am now reading "The Nightingale," a library book that I waited two months for.  I am next on the list for "The Nature of the Beast" and number three for "The English Spy." But I supplement the library books with E-Reader books. Unfortunately, my Florida home does not have the quality of library that I have here in Kentucky, but we have a library at my retirement complex that has a very good selection and has provided many, many books over the years. I recently had to physically struggle with "The Bone Tree," by Greg Isles, a 1400 page middle book of his definitive trilogy of the modern south, a la Faulkner.  I could not ever come close to handling the normal print book, but the large print edition was more manageable and I was able to get through it.  I was not willing to pay $14.95 for the Kindle edition. I too have had cataract operations in both eyes and have severe carpal tunnel problem in both wrists.  I struggle with normal book. 

I am a great John Irving fan and loved his bears and elephants of past novels.  I was not impressed with his last two books and think he has run out his world according to Garp. 

Mandy, like Rapa I have a weakness for paper books, however I find that I prefer the kindle for a number of reasons

- Adjusting the print size is a major one, it is not as crucial to me as it used to be since I recently had cataract surgery and have new lenses in my eyes and now can read easily without glasses (Ironically I used to have good mid-range vision and never needed glasses but after the cataract surgery I do for the mid-range, which means the shelves in the library are now blurry without glasses)

- Being able to read in the dark is also a big plus 

- When traveling it is also light to pack instead of a few heavy books

- On the fly lookup of obscure or foreign words

- Kindle apps keeps track of where you last read, so sometimes I continue read on my phone or iPad while waiting for something or other to finish

I love my Kindle Fire which replaced my original Kindle about a year ago.  The price has dropped dramatically, as I paid $99, purchased a second for my spouse for $79 and recently saw it on sale for $59.  As a full service computer tablet, I was able to use the Fire to communicate with my family on a three week cruise I took to Brazil this winter. My eyes have deteriorated in a lifetime of reading, having undergone two cataract operations. I also have physical limitations in handling a book of any size for any length of time.  The Kindle Fire is a god send. But I still remember a lifetime of going to libraries everywhere I lived.  My first library was in Phoenix, Rhode Island, as youngster, exploring shelves of books to enrich my life with their feel, smell and wonder. I would go every other Saturday, carrying them back to my home and devouring them over the next two weeks.   

FLOWER...Did not realize that Wittenberg College is in/near your home base! Know a few who attended from the Cleveland area. I'll be more mindful of Weather in Clark County from now on!

Worked the Book Sale at our Library...very fun as I was paired with another Friends of the Library who has a great sense of humor, former Teacher of elementary school age kids. She also teaches On-Line master programs since retiring. I had no idea until we had some one on one time what a major force person!


Okay...ERROR CORRECTION (we say that a lot in accounting) regarding BADLANDS!

I reported that USA TODAY called it "dull." TOTALLY WRONG! Jim got it from Library and I ran out of stuff the other day so plugged in the Audiobook. Now, a qualifier is that I have a long time cyberpal who lives in the Dakotas...writes of all the geography, landmarks, Norwegion heritage, etc. So I felt connected right from the start. Also BUSINESSWEEK and other TV SHOWS, have described the whole energy rousource action in that area. The long lines of trucks, the Work-Camps, the whole influx of population...talented and skilled! How McDonalds pays $17 bucks per hour... But those venues left out the drug, prostitution, and problems of the dark side.

I'm 1/2 way through and it is Stephen Kingish...lots of gruesome and troubling scenes...foul language (which the Boy doesn't like either!)

Part of the story takes place in the Carolina's ...lots I didn't know about Over the Road Truckers, either.

I did buy at the Book Sale some Non-Fiction about health, diet, fitness and a Ken Follet book published 1980 The Key to Rebecca. I just like that Author and somehow I am drawn of late to stories Published back in the 80's?

What does that mean when we want to relive the dialog of our lives 35 years ago? Kinda scary? Lol

Yes Carolyn Wittenberg is at my backdoor (plus a few miles). My niece graduated from there and became a teacher, later took more education and now librarian in  public education.  Her daughter had a scholarship on the softball team and now works in the business area in Georgia.  I know a few grads too.    I finished reading Greg Isles - Mortal Fear - liked the book though gets pretty in depth about computers and drags a bit there but overall liked the book.  Now reading Ian Rankin's book - Knots and Crosses.  This is his first book and I do like it.  Still have stacks waiting.  Glad you liked C.J. Box's book - have not read it but have read almost all of his and loved them.  I like the outdoorsey books the most.  LOL

Nina George's THE LITTLE PARIS BOOKSHOP is a totally enchanting read. If you love books and have ever loved someone, don't miss this story! This is not a girly book so you guys, give it a try.




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