TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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How good that is. Yowza!

Sol serially slugging Slivovitz , slipped into a semi- sonamulant state; so, snoozing over the steering wheel of his saucy Saab, shot sideways, slamming Steven's shiny Subaru SUV into smithereens.


Tippling tremendous tumblers of Tea Tinis, trembling Terence trudged toward his Tesla in a trance, tentatively twisted his key, tramped down his Tod's, and torpedoed Trini's Toyota Tacoma, totally trashing it.  


Under the table after umpteen upended urns of Unicorn, Uncle Ubie urged his Uno upward, up and upon Ullman's unscathed Ultima, untidying it's ulterior.

No challenge is too much for you!

Vomiting voluminously after vacuuming up various vessels of vodka, Veronica veritably vaulted into her viridian Volvo and made vexed Vasiliki's vanilla Volkswagen Vento vanish. 

Oh, boy!

Wallowing in washtubs of whiskey, Wally woke his waiting Wrangler, and whirling waywardly, whipped into Waylon's waxed white Wagoner, wrecking it wretchedly.

Fantastic!!! (X can just never live up to the rest of the alphabet...)

EXcited by eXcessive XXX, Xavier eXited eXtremely eXpeditiously, eXtiguishing Xavianna's xanthous Xinkai.

Well done, with the x

Yearning for yet more yeasty Yellow Birds, Yolanda yanked her yawning Yamaha into the yardang, yielding a yelling Yuri's yellow Yaris. Yikes!

Yippy! ツ

Zonked on Zaranoff, Zaphora zig-zagged zanily in her Zolfe before zooming zombie-like into Zachariah's zucchini-green Zaporozhets ZAZ.

  • Affected adversely by absinthe, Alfie aimlessly amps his Alpha Romeo assward, athwart Alonzo's azure Accord.

(This thread has become like a drunk demolition derby.ツ)

Buzzed on bourbon and beaming beatifically, Bernard bashed besotted and bedeviled Beatrice's beautiful blueberry BMW from behind, basically breaking-off their blankety-blank betrothal.  

A real deal-breaker, Bernard! 

Cooked on casks of Campari, Casper "cracked the whip" on his cobalt Camry, catastrophically catapulting into cousin Clem's classic Caddie, causing a continuing clan conflict.

(I assume that's Casper Juke and Clem Kallikak! LOL)

Disgustingly drunk on a dozen drinks of Dewar's, depressed, ditsy Dixie drove her dirty Dodge Dart directly into Dominique's distinguished Delaunay-Belleville, demolishing it dreadfully.  




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