TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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(Leave the scene, Nick)

Oddly, Opal ordered only oysters. 

(Some people simply feel that way about oysters. ツ)

Pauline principally pickled Prunus persica (peaches).

Queenie questioned Quentin' s quirky quacking.

(So would I!)

Regina really relishes ripe rambutan.

Sam salivated over his super-stuffed salami and sausage sub.

(The vegetarian says, "Yum!")

Tasty tortellini tempt Terrence terribly. 

Umberto's uncooked umbrella fish urges urgent upchucking.

(Oh, poor Umberto! Now he's got Vasiliki doing it!)

Vasiliki violently vomits Veronica's vinegary veggies. 


Willy the wonk wishes he weren't such a wimp. 

(No X)

Yaakov yacks-up Yuliana's yeastless Yufka. 

Zelda zooms in on Zach's zombie zone.

Annette always accentuates auspicious activities. 




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