TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Dee Dee delights in discounts.

(Haha! I have a good friend called Dee Dee--Diana--who does, in fact, delight in discounts!)

Everyone except Eric eats eggplant. 

Felix feels fulfilled before firelight. 

Ginger's got ghastly gingivitis.

Hal has hell-a halitosis. 

Hahaha! Hapless Hal!

Inger ingests innumerable IceBreakers. lol

Jay sips joy from Juicy-juice. 

Kendrick kills a keg of Kestrel.

Lulu loves to lick lemons.

Mandrake makes magical mixtures.

Yes, he's famous for that sort of thing.

Nathan nibbled on numerous nachos. 

YUM! I haven't had nachos in a zillion years, at least--lol--but I'm going to make some soon.

Opie opts for Olympia oysters.




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