TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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I tell ya  we ought to save these for posterity.

Glazed on Galliano, Gilbert goofily gunned his glitzy Gremlin, gravely grazing the grille of Greg's gorgeous Grand Prix.

Hahahaha, another gem! Feel free to save 'em!

Hildebrand hastily hoisted husband Harry's horded Haffenreffers then, howling hysterically, headed headlong into Hildegard's Honda Hybrid, hitting her head-on. 

That is beyond perfect!

Incapacitated from imbibing immodetately of Irish Mist,  Iris ill-advisably infused her impressive Imperial with an impatient itch , impacting it into Ilenes Isuzu, incontrollably .

You won the match point! ツ

Jittering and juddering, jacked up on Jack and juiced on J&B-spiked Jamba Juice,Juanita jumped into Jose's Jaguar, jammed down her Jumping Jacks, and jarringly jolted into Jeremy's just-purchased Jeep.

Lord, I can't keep up !

Keeping up with  Kurts King-prized Kaluha's, Karl knuckles the knobs and kites his Kia into Katy's kinky Kaiser.

Lousy with Landmark Lemonades, lush Louisa laughs loudly, languishing lazily before launching laterally into Luigi's lovely, long, lapis Lincoln, literally liquefying it. 

Hahaha! Hats off.

Munching on many martini-soaked marachinoes,Marty maxed the momentum of his MINI Cooper and maimed  Mimi's marvelous Mazaratti.

Noshing on Napoleon-soaked nutty nuggets, Nadine nuzzles Nicholas, nabs his keys and, navigating nicely, negotiates nearly all nearby nuisances until noticing Nola's new Noble and negating it.

I have no words, haha.. :^ )

Opting for olives oozing with Ouzo, Ozzie outs the Opel off-road with an over-abundance of oomph, obliterating Oliver's Olds.

Wow...watch out for cocktail nibbles! ツ

Phillip polished-off the pickled pimentos piled in his potion of Porter's, Pimm's, and Pernod; promptly plopped into his pristine Porsche; and peeled into Philomena's pretty pink Peugeot, practically pulverizing it.   

Quiggly quaffed  his Quaaludes with quarts of quality quiche, just before quickly quivering his quaint  Quant into the quarterpanel of Quinn's Qvale,  quashing it.

Hahaha! Will the carnage never end??!!

Revved on rane and rainbow, Randall ran rapidly to his Range Rover, rammed it into reverse, rumbled 'round the rotary, and roared right into Ronald's refurbished Rambler, radically rearranging it.  




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