TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Ichibod inched incrementally toward Isabel's ice cream.

Insidious Ichibod.

Jumpy Jennifer jittered joylessly.

Kay ko'd the Kool-aid kiosk.

Lucky Leonardo lugged away his loot.

Miserable Mickey moped majorly.

Nice Nichelle nuzzled Nedrick's neck.

Obvious Olive ogled Ollie outrageously. 

Hahaha! No subtlety needed.

Pugnacious Peter pummeled Paul's paunch.

No subtlety There!

Queezy Quiggley quit quaffing quinine.

Probably a good idea. ツ

Rowdy Remington raised a raucous ruckus.

Rah, rah!

Silent Sylvia shushed her shrieking siblings.

I would too, Sylvia!

Truculent Terence trounced Tuttle thoroughly.  (Geez, more violence. LOL)




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