TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

Views: 1630

Replies to This Discussion

Go, Robbie on keeping cool.

Richard, I replied a couple of pages back about the houseboat scheme. Good idea. More than one toilet? 

Have a wonderful trip, RRC.

Pajama party, three or four nights running? Wow, Cat, that's a lot of pillow fights and shenanigans.

RT not sure about whether they are a one or two holer.  At any rate there are railings all around and at night no one can see..........
She'll be here in a few hours. . . I'll have pictures.  (pajama party at Cat's tonight)  And tomorrow and tomorrow night, and . . . you'll be sick of it.

Morning..I have most of my suitcases filled, food tub loaded, ice chest...I need to run to the bank to make sure there is money in my account, chair for the picnic....what am I forgetting......

I will be on the road hopefully by 1 pm today...going as far as Columbia, MO...lots of antique stores to check out there in the morning....all business related of course. 

Wish we were all going to be there but I understand since I have had to sit and attend vicariously through pictures. 

Catch you all soon.

Safe travels RRC!
YAY!  Safe travels.

Hope you are having a marvelous road trip, wish I could be joining you,

all of you

one of these days we will ALL meet,

work over for the week, except for the meeting I promised I would attend every other friday, part of a special wrap around team working with people with severe substance abuse and mental health issues...oh well, is a compromise I am willing to take as I will love Fridays off much more than Mondays, and then when we have Monday holidays will have a four day weekend, and I like the sound of that

Have a Friday filled with love and laughter

Here is a picture of Happy and I and a bear in front of the library at Powell, Tennessee. I was out driving around and came across it. Had to have a picture, so I ask a woman coming out of the  library to take and here you are. 

Something about the angle or the camera sure makes me look tall and skinny. Maybe I'll rent the camera out at the meet. (:>)

You both look so HAPPY!

WOW I am the first on here.... sitting in Columbia MO and I need to get up and get moving, I want to stop in a few antique stores before I get on the road again. I will make it to Richmond, IN today, looks like I will be missing some of the fun since others are arriving today. Can't wait..I am sure pictures will start popping soon.


Don;t worry RRC the real fun won't start until you get there.  ;-)




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