TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Would we have to weigh in, Richard, for maximum weight limits? Let's just average it and avoid the subject. Yes, an unsinkable house boat. Really, you were thinking about it? Cool!. Actually never been there.
They are good sized and will sleep six or so.  Not that we have to sleep together you understand.  I haven't been there in years (more like decades) I remember it was beautiful.

RRC, i sooo understand about travelling with your own food.  i have a 'goodie bag' that travels w/me, nothing but safe food.  and my restrictions are fewer, but it's still a PITB.  

Kittycat, i'm gonna' miss seeing you guys, but no, i can't make it there and still see Yellowstone on the way west, and i'm really wanting to do that!  from here, i take I-64 west thru WV, and up thru Indianapolis, so no chance of a brief stop-over.

Richard, I'll see you guys in a week and a half.

Cat, you'll have a grand time, and you'll actually get to be at the park all day, this time!  i may get to visit w/ Yulong for a quick lunch while i'm in Portland, btw.

i'm heading out first thing Thursday morning, so won't be in here very much.

I hope everyone has a great time at the meet, and that OFR pulls in lots of $$ support!

Lynn, you have a great trip as well.  I'm jealous, you get to see Richard and Sharon again.



Very safe traveling, Lynn.  We are ready and waiting for your arrival.
thanks!  I'll call midweek....

sigh, indeed....


Is it already August???? Yikes, came way to fast for me.

All of those traveling, be safe, wish I had lots of money and lots of time off, then I could come to PA as well

Am going to take a week off in October and go somewhere, where, I am not sure, just somewhere,

We have had some relief from the heat the past few days and that has been nice

Have a marvelous time at the meet, and lynn have fun in your travels west

love and laughter to all


Good morning!  Since I'm off tomorrow and Monday, I'm pretty swamped at the office.  So, I'll just grab a glass of iced tea and get back to work.  Have a great day.  I'm expecting Debbie this evening, so I'm sure we'll be up late tonight having a little chic chat!
Good morning Cat.  Please give Debbie a hug from those of us unable to attend and meet her.

Knowing those two, they will be sleeping in tomorrow.

We have been without electricity since about 3:30 this morning. It is times like this when it is very nice to have a RV with a generator. (:>)

With the heat and no power a generator is a valuable tool.  Keep cool Robbie!




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