TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

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Hi Cat!  Better plan a trip out west to see the land of the cowboys and native Americans soon  Hahahaha!

Hi all!!! I sure hope Richard or Lynn thought to take some pictures!!! :)  Can't wait to see them if they did!!!


Lynn have a safe journey home and if you're headed anywhere near us, you know the door's always opened for you!!!!


Cat, did you have any of that horrible rain yesterday??? I hope not!!!

here we are, in the back yard!  Sharon managed the camera for this shot!

i stopped in Spokane tonite.  i wasn't done driving, but remembering how tough it was to find a room on the way west, i decided i'd best look fairly early, and i got the LAST room at the Super 8 in Spokane Valley.  it's a smoking room, but i took it anyhow, since i didn't really want to risk having to sleep in the truck or drive until midnite -- on the way out, rooms were really booked up early!

it looks like i'll be able to swimg by Little Bighorn, Wendy, so i'm thankful for your recommendation on that!

Kittycat, my new location is further south, so i'll need to make an "intentional" visit to see you guys again, but that WILL happen, 'cause i'm determined to see Char's new house!  oh, and i DID deliver your hug (from the other thread, here)

Thalia, i hope you DO get to meet Richard and Sharon.  i'd spent a couple hours w/ them, a lunch in DC area, but still, i was surprised at how truly comfortable i was, in their home, and with their dogs too.  but i also hope you get to meet the east coasters, too!  the conference i was at, in Seattle area, is soon gonna' decide where winter 2013 conf will be, and Denver is one of the options, but so is Salt Lake City, and southern California.  stay tuned!

Cat, if you're gonna' go to OR/WA, try to make it late summer, that's when they have the least rain and the most sunshine!  

I think i saw all 3 of the "major" mountains.  Mt. Ranier, for sure, drove all around it before i stayed in Olympia, before conference.  Mt. St. Helens on the way to breakfast this morning, and then Mt. Hood on the way east from Portland, as i drove I-84 thru the Columbia River Gorge -- a spectacular trip, i recommend it to everyone!
hydroelectric power is the source out here, not coal fired or nuclear.  there were 4 dams that i saw, on the Columbia River, so they're getting repeats of power, as the water flows from the high desert down to the Pacific. 

Robbie, yes, tires are expensive, but they're essential, please don't skimp on quality to save money!

like i needed that reminder, Moosie!  am still smarting from having to pay it!

probably stopping in Billings, tonite

What a wonderful picture of you and Richard, Lynn!!! What a fabulous backyard he has!!! Beautiful!!! Your trip sounds amazing!!! Thanks for passing on my ((HUG)).. :)


See you when you visit Char and her new home!!! Muah!!!

Lynn, Great Trip Report. Good pic of you and Richard. I've been to Spokane a number of times. It is nice at this time of year. Not so nice in the Winter.

I got the tires today. I did skimp some, but still cost me over $600 dollars. including alignment. I don't remember how long it has been sinceThe last time I bought tires, but I do remember that they cost about $65 each. These cost right at $100 each and that was the sale price.

I'm sure glad that the military and social security both informed me this year that we are not experiencing any increase in cost of living. 

i may have made a mistake by stopping near the convention center, but have a decent room near I-90, and was able to cross the bridge over the highway and get some good carryout for dinner, a Thai curry w/ shrimp.  yummm.

going west, the high desert surprised me, and i was parched before i realized why.  this time, i started drinking extra water on the way to spokane (thru Pasco, WA) and kept it up, and i'm doing MUCH better!  by time i get to Rapid City, i'll be back at a decent altitude.

Great pic Lynn and Richard! How long did you have to wait for the sun to come out before snapping the pic? lol
Yes, KC, we did have that rain.  Four people were killed in flash flooding at rush hour.  Really awful.  We just got another round of storms today.

Love your tripalog Lynn, sounds like a good time...I am ready to go away again...am really thinking I might fly to Portland, go the the ocean for a day, then to Prineville to see star again, I really, really miss her...

Hope all have a day filled with love and laughter

trust your gut, Thalia -- if you feel like you need to see her, then pay attention to that!  we know her reprieve won't be permanent....


Thanks for sharing Lynn, sounds like you are having a wonderful time and I am thrilled you got to visit Richard. 

Hectic Sunday here, just now got the chance to sit down. Got home around 1:30 am from the Demo Derby, ran 56 cars and trucks through and raised lots of funds for the Rescue Squad. 

I am going to be lazy when I get home...except for a load or two of laundry.




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