TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Crystal, you guys are probably tired of it this summer.  But I am in the mood for diving into a big bowl of tater salad, corn on the cob, and strawberry shortcake with either baking powder biscuits or scones.
The Strawberry Shortcake sounds good.
I've been drooling about it all day Robbie.  I must go hunt some down or buy some goods to make it tomorrow.

i'm glad to be back.  here's a late supper for you.

i'd taken very little "stuff" to my sister's house, so unpacking is done, for now.  the next round comes this fall, when i swap out my sister's bedroom suite for the boxes in the storage locker in my condo, where my grandkids are living -- then, i'll have come "challenges" about where to put the rest of my "stuff" that i've lived w/o for nearly a year.  some of it may get discarded....

It's only 68 degrees at 6:30 am here in the Great Smokey Mountains. Susposed to get up to 96 today. I'll be out there swinging the weekwhacker. I guess I need a partner. I look around at the couples who are workkampers. They only work 10 hours a week each. 

Happy is over here jumping up and down. He thinks there would be petting involved.  

Naw, turns out Happy just wanted his water dish refilled. Must be an omen.

Happy makes a great partner, in some respects, but he's definitely not pulling his share in the work department!

Good morning, all!

Morning all...another hot one on the agenda today. 

Sounds like Happy was doing the happy dance...you gotta love dogs. LOL One of my cats is hiding from the heat, I guess I will have to go and look for him..unless he found a better gig.

Have a good one all, I am heading into the store soon, it's back to work day.


Good morning Robbie {{{{Lynn, RRC}}}} and anyone wandering in by mistake.  It will be another scorching 84 degree day today.  It is my hope that Fall comes early in the East and Midwest.  It is also my hope summer stays late in the West.

Good morning to you!

I hear the sounds of laundry, packing and travel. 

Good idea, Richard; Western meet next time. And Oregon be cool.


many are packing to travel east.  me, i'm packing to travel west, no way could i squeeze the meet in too.  but 'tis the month for travel, i'm thinking....

as hot as it is here, i KNOW i'll need long sleeves in the conference rooms -- makes no diff where i'm at!

Good morning everyone!  Rain today here in Pittsburgh.  Very welcoming. . . and it will all be out of the way for the weekend.  

Pretty busy here in downtown Pittsburgh this week.  The Veterans are having their wheelchair races and games, so a lot of streets are shut down . . next week Batman film crews are outside of my building. . . scaffolding is going  up (higher and higher each day) outside.  

Well, I'm hoping it's a quiet day here in the office.  One boss is on vacation, one at depositions, and one hopefully will decide to work from home.  

RT, don't forget the sound of cleaning!  I've got 5 guests at my place this weekend, and seems I've been cleaning all week.

Y'all be good, and have a good day.




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