TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Lar and RRC are set to go!!!




Our 1st wonderful guest, Stillgoing (Scott), arrived on Thursday the 4th... The party was on!!!! LOL

On Friday, the 5th, 1GL (Kathy), joined us... Sooo much fun!!!!


I set the timer on the camera and all I heard everyone saying is "It's blinking... HURRY!!!!"  I almost didn't make it! LMAO!!! 

thanks so much for these pics!  i'll wait 'til i get home and go thru all the FB posts, since i don't really want to safe those pics on this netbook, i want them on my desktop, but yes, i was there in spirit....  so great to see everybody!

never met Scott, but hi, there!

I'll do a lot more for you, Lynn, if you want me too... I have a bunch... I don't want to bore everyone with them, but if you want me to, I'll put more up tomorrow...


You'd like Scott... He's very nice and can come up with those zingers just when you think he's falling asleep!!! Love him!!!

On Saturday, the 6th, Moosie and Belle arrived to complete our little band of Merry Moosieites!!!!


Chriss Cee heard about everyone coming and joined us for a couple of hours Saturday and arrived shortly before Moosie and Belle... What a wonderful person she is... We all laughed and laughed and the party was really started in ernest!!!


Here's a group pic of all of us... I was getting to be a pro at that timer thingie!!! LOL  This was taken before Moosie's bed was blown up and took up the whole living room... LMAO!!! Man, did we have fun... I'll post more tomorrow... :)

Nas and RRC having a blast at the Karaoke Bar!!! That was a great event and Odee did a wonderful job for the servicemen... I believe he got some nice donations for them!!!  Yaaayyyy!!!  Plus we all had a great time as you can tell from this pic!!! Love you girls!!!


Jeez, these are just great!

yes, Kittycat's got some talent at pics and the timer thingee, too!  but i still don't know who slept in the tree house, maybe it was Larry?  tee hee....

We were so busy having fun on the deck, we never even made it to the treehouse!  Next time!




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