TBD on Ning


Take the current word & form a new word from it by rearranging the letters &/or replacing 1 or 2 of the letters.

Criteria for play: Must have fun! ;-)

May 2, 2010 Update: hey, gang - check out our thread graphic above ^ it's a custom graphic of words we've posted here in the game - how cool is that?! "-D

My darling friend Angharad introduced me to "Wordle.net," a site where you can create your own word clouds. I took a hundred or so words from our game & created this - how cool! Of course, now I have to do it to all our Word Games.

I know, I'm a nerd. I don't care. '-)

Tags: 7_Letter_Word_Game, Letters, Word_Game

Views: 42332

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meanies (as in Blue Meanies from "Yellow Submarine")
staples (as in what I need in my kitchen cupboard)
Pilates (on my way to Yogalates)
pirates (Arrr, Mateys!!!)
Yogalates sounds like a type of coffee.

I did stop @ SB after & had 4 shots of espresso, does that count?

triggered by Dug's "pirates" ...... (it's my thread; I can hijack it if I want to) d@mn, I love this song! It makes me want to... well, I just love this song! (it's my cell phone ringtone) There's something about the sound of that beating on the tin box thingy that's a little offbeat that her accompaniast does... whew!!

wow, very cool, Felicia. Thanks for sharing that w/me. Yogalates is actually becoming an important class for me. Great core work. I'll ck out her website for sure. hey - did you get my post (somewhere?) about me being in your neck of the woods in July to see Amos Lee (again)?




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