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Obama: "Stop pointing fingers and stop the leak." Again, being the adult.

From Politico...

Acknowledging that “the system failed and it failed badly,” President Barack Obama called for a stop to finger-pointing over who is at fault for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and for the first time put a share of the blame on the federal government.

The president’s admission of a breakdown in government procedures comes amid reports that federal regulators were lax in oversight and issuing permits for drilling in the Gulf. He slammed the “cozy relationship” oil companies have with the Minerals Management Services, and said the Interior Department will embark on a “top-to-bottom reform” of the agency and conduct a review of the environmental procedures for drilling.

“I understand that there are legal and financial issues involved, and a full investigation will tell us what happened,” Obama said in remarks after receiving an update on the spill. “With that, there’s enough responsibility to go around, and all parties should be willing to accept it. That includes, by the way, the federal government.”

Obama, who was joined in the Rose Garden by his top advisers and Cabinet secretaries, criticized executives of the companies involved in the oil spill for trying to deflect responsibility onto each other, calling their behavior during Tuesday’s congressional hearings “a ridiculous spectacle.”

“You had executives of BP, Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. The American people could not have been impressed with that display and I certainly wasn’t,” Obama said. “I will not tolerate more finger-pointing or irresponsibility.”

(Full article)
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0510/37267.html#ixzz0nwRxUbPC

Tags: BP, Gulf, Mexico, Obama, of, oil, responibility

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True that.
the TRULY frightening thing is this: They aren't any closer to stopping the mess now than they were Day One!

If the NPR estimates are correct...not 290,000 a day, but 2.9 MILLION gallons a day are spewing forth. That's an Exxon Valdez every FIVE DAYS!

And the idiots at BP REFUSED TO LET the Pros at Woods Hole anywhere NEAR the site....sigh.
Yeah, what's that about? What does BP have to hide from the Woods Hole people?
I think this was an act of terrorism, plain and simple! You know how LONG there has been drilling in the Gulf and there has NEVER been a problem! Why now?
You may be right, but there are a huge and growing number of complicating factors, most of which point to cutting corners and corruption on the part of BP and governmental agency charged with overseeing oil company drilling. From the blowout valves to the lack of preparation for any kind of accident of this type.
Yes, drilling has gone on for decades in the Gulf. You're quite right...mostly without incident (although the people on the Mexican Gulf Coast may wish to differ.) The PROBLEM here is that you are dealing with INCREDIBLE DEPTHS and PRESSURES and NO ONE really truly knows or understands what happens at such depths and under such pressures.

Take the "cap" they tried to place...the first one. TEN TONS of concrete and steel. What happened? IT FROZE...literally and figuratively. ICE formed INSIDE the cap as they tried to set it in place and prevented it from working. Why? NO ONE UNDERSTANDS what happens at those depths...and those who have SOME clue, like the pros at Wood's Hole:


have been barred by BP from offering help/investigation.
“You had executives of BP, Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. The American people could not have been impressed with that display and I certainly wasn’t,” Obama said. “I will not tolerate more finger-pointing or irresponsibility.”

BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUTHOR!! AUTHOR!!!!!




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