I see where the Great Alaskan Quitter has published a figurative (if not literal) TARGET list of Demoncraps she wishes to see removed from the house. She's done so using cross hairs generally associated with a rifle scope. To give the shill horses' nether her credit...at least she didn't include actual PICTURES in those cross hairs.
Now, as most of you know, I rather deplore violence. I find little use for it as long as reasonable people can reason together. I have my own list...and I'd like to see you add your specific target. I don't care which side of the aisle they sit on...frankly...as there are as many crackpots on the left as there are on the right.
SO...with that in mind, being the non-violent person that I am, I propose to start a GRASS ROOTS/GROUND SWELL that does NOT attack...but rather pokes fun at some of the more colorful, if not comic, members of our Congress. You should also list the reasons you think your particular bozo deserves the nose, hair do...and boot.
My first BOZO to be BOUNCED: Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn)
Got one to add to the list?? (As you can see...I don't particularly understand photoshop...so MS PAINT did the poor stand in substitute.)