TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh
yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a Dew or two. We
have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be a
tad hungry, too..........Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is valued, so come in and
enjoy yourself...if no one is here, please just leave a note to let us know you came to visit.......:)

Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place....I also set up a group in EONS...so please drop in and say hi there too..................


Hope all have a peaceful and relaxing day of rest today!


Here is your Dew Jeff

Tags: Fellowship, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 169

Replies to This Discussion

ya been sick last sun ...then i was cutting a hole 4 a door in the wall to make a closet ..& then got sick again this sun. when i was finishing it up ....dang i think im alergic to closets ..haha!
Good grief dew jeff, you and the closet just aren't working well together....lol
Poor jeffie dewie lol if jeffie is then i must be to
im more than happy to send u chickies some eye candy ...just remember now ....((((((( there just pictures))))))))) .....rotfl!!!!!!
Awwww.........now don't spoil the fun dew jeffy......lol
oh!thats why their so slow lol to bad jeffie
well duh........you would have thought we could have figured
that out..by now.....oh well eye candy will have to do.......lol
hey chickie cat! ..if ur interested witch one in that pic is me...im the one with underwear on!!! ....lol!!!
Yea?which one lol
hahaha!!!!! the one with undies on!........well chickie cat & chickie mary i got to get off here ,,so u two have a fun nite ..latter u two chickies!
Later Dew Jeff, it's been fun, sweet dreams!!!!
I'm staying out of this one.........lol dew jeffy.......u a hoot!!! lol




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