TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh yourself

with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco, and a Dew or two. We have fresh

baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be a tad hungry,too.

Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is a valued and priceless

thing.....so come on in and enjoy yourself.  If no one is here, please leave a

note letting us know you came by to visit....:)

Ladyg - owner

Mary   - Manager

Lynn   - Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place I've set up in EONS...so please drop in and say hi there too.


Hope everyone has a peaceful and relaxing day for the rest of today...and a wonderful week ahead, too!

Hope all have a peaceful and relaxing day of rest today!

Tags: Food, Friendship, Laughter, Music

Views: 243

Replies to This Discussion

Photobucket For you Jeff!!!!!!!!


Thank Goodness for that too! LOL
good Monday to each of you!
can anybody see the sun? it's been missing here since friday afternoon, i'm feeling like a mushroom....
Come to visit SC, Lynn you'll get alot of sunshine!
You can visit Mobile also Lynn..........we are in the high 60's and 70's now........we have plenty of sunshine

That's right Ladyg........See Lynn, you have 2 invites to come to the South!! no reason to now!! LOL

come fall, i'll be making that circuit. got one more trip to make first....
today, even Michigan is warmer than here -- by a little bit, and they have sun, too!
Yea!!! can't wait
Me either sweetie, wow, now if I could get Jeff and Mary on the road with Lynn...what a good time.

Hey I'm willing....don't know how it could be done...but wow ...is right!
it's tuesday, and i'm off and running! love and hugs, gang!




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