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Using the accepted definition of Classic, would any of the so called Cult movies make the cut? Can you provide an example?

Do you think any of the Coen Brothers films will be considered classics?

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I think I already have.
i'm not familiar with most of the ones you listed. Except for A Clockwork Orange and Blade Runner. I think I saw Eraserhead and liked it, but can't remember much about it.Freaks I know about, but have not seen. What about the Lord of the Rings? Do you think it will be considered a classic? I keep loosing my internet connection. Guess it's the weather. I think I'll go watch State of Play again. I rented it out of a box at the Groc store. Want to see if I can pick up on anything I missed.Be back later if I can connect. Oh yeh! I saw one about a mutant from mars that might make the cut.
Barton Fink is definitely a cult movie!! Lebowski is too! (imho)!
Like she said!
Many of the movies mentioned here, especially "The Rocky Horror Show" are `cult movies` because they are good, but there`s a sub-set of cult movies thar cult because they are so bad eg "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and "Santa Claus versus the Martians". If you haven`t seen these then I hope you never do, LOL.
How about: Faster, Pussy-Cat! Kill! Kill! (1966), "Honey, we don't like nothing soft. Everything we touch is hard"; Pink Flamingos (1972), "Filth is my politics! Filth is my life"; Grey Gardens (1976), "In dealing with me, the relatives didn't know that they were dealing with a staunch character...S-T-A-U-N-C-H"; or, This Is Spinal Tap (1984), "Well, I'm sure I'd feel much worse if I weren't under such heavy sedation."

Don't you think the movie "Freaks" is both a classic and a cult film?  How about "Cat People" (I think that's what it's called)?  The one with Simone Simon from nineteen forty-something.

"Escape from New York" comes to mind.  Neat flick.  Call me "snake."

Is there really a cult of us who like those movies?  I thought it was just me and a coupla others.  Even I burned out on it after about 20 viewings.  Actually I think I like the LA one better, just because it's got so many weird cameos in it.




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