TBD on Ning

A place for people to mingle in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS. NEW IN TOWN OR PASSING BY STOP IN AND SAY HELLO, ALL ARE WELCOME.

The official kick off to the Mardi Gras will begin Sat. January 23rd through Fat Tuesday February 16th. We will be featuring parades, music, parties, a grand ball and the launch of TBD's first Krewe, the Order of Ning. Anyone who wishes to start up a Krewe please submit a name and and be ready to send me a picture representing your Order so that I can put it all together for the Fat Tuesday Finale Parade. There will be 15 parades and I would like to feature a Krewe for each parade. So get your ball gowns, tuxedos, beads and dancing shoes ready because we are going to let the Good Times Roll.

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 45

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No different Mary! We're just all under the Welcome Lounge group! And it's so much easier to visit with each other!
So then we won't need to be a part of these other groups then???
i'm still hoping someone can answer that too, Mary. I don't yet know what to expect....
Hi, all! glad I found you here! i was heading for bed, one last check of emails, and here we are!
Good evening, Ladyg, Mary, Cat, and Diana, happy to meet you!
Hi Lynn and Moosie!!!!! Just got here myself....not sure what to think of this..but maybe after I get things figured out I will know more......:)
Thanks Moosie!!!!! in my case Baby steps are a good thing!! :)




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