TBD on Ning

OMG!! State Of Emergency In Florida!!!! Please Pray For Us In Florida!!!!

Just hoping for prayers from my fellow TBD'ers, Florida State Governor Charlie Crist has just declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY!!! You aren't gonna believe this, but it is gonna get COLD!! Yep, hard to believe, but in the Tampa/St Pete area, it is expected to be 50 degrees Sat, with an overnight low of (GASP) 28 degrees. I am not sure if I will be able to survive without the prayers, and positive energy that I know good TBD'ers can generate.

Tags: weather, wimps

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"What will get hard if u were in the New England winter right now?"
I don't know about you, but when I am freezing, my nipples get hard, but everything else disappears.
Ohhh---I just had a woman's hand on me!! My gosh--I have forgotten what that felt like!!!
Was that hand warm??
Sad to say, but it doesn't take much. ;-)
Must be Global Warming.
Thank God for global warming. if not for global warming, it could get down to 49 (or even shudder) 48 on Sat.
Get out your thermal underwear.
Or as we call them, long handles.
I am sending coats and Baileys. Hope the mail man can deliver.

Think Friction! Do Friction things, my dear!

Get matches and hoard them!

Get those candles out: They provide hope!

Burn your bills and old letters!
Call me if you need a ride outta town.
Well of course, you are a moose. Wait a minute! What are you BBQ'in? Twigs, roots, bark, and shoots of woody plants. water lily and and pondweed, conifers, and needle-like leaves. A moose needs 40+ pounds of food a day, so you gotta have a pretty big grill to go with that big rack of yours.
I'm with Moosie and Karen.....Buck up Buttercup..;-D
We grill year round and even go for walks outside! We're very fond of the friction thingy at any opportunity!
But I do realize that when cold goes south....OJ prices go up.
Dear Karen, I sure hope the mail man can deliver. Don't they have that rain/snow/sleet/state of emergency oath thingy? If you can't spare the coat, please just send extra Baileys.
I tried the friction thing, but I am getting sore. Got any other suggestions?
Damn Darrol, all I got is short handles. I think it is a genetic thing, but again. maybe I can blame it on the cold.




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