TBD on Ning

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Psycho-bitch on my annoying ass? hahahahah. Good one!
You guys are the reason that Neal is leaving! I thought so!

Who else can we torture? I just got home.
Who is Neal? Did I insult him? I hope I did before he left. I hate to leave people out. Unless its raining. And who cut Sme off at the head?
You're pretty sexy when you talk that Basketball talk Mel. Is that basketball..hockey..horseshoes? I have no clue :-)
This has nothing to do with sex talk so I guess the recently departed Neal wouldn't be interested.
Who are all these idiots runing around like mad haterers at a Boston Tea Party? So they don't like taxes. Kick their ass out, put them on a boat and send them to Somolia.
Has Boston become the only Idiot Free city in the Nation. You mean I can now drive around up there without observing two cars banging into each other and throwing Italian Salutes at each other while going 50 miles an hour into a tunnel under the city? I took an unmarked exit by mistake and never did get to see the outcome of that little episode.
Go into your settings Neal.
Right after you pull the lever. Let 'em spin Neal.
I've grown to love him this evening.

I'm voting Neal for TBD Dance and Dawdle Coordinator.
What's a dawdle? Or did you spell something wrong?
Dawdle is what we do in life when we aren't moving.

Geez Quinn. I thought you knew this. We went over this. You just don't WANT to remember. You dawdle but you don't want to admit to it. We all dawdle, Quinn. Just look at us!

This is why I chose Neal as the TBD Dance and Dawdle Coordinator. He won't question the spelling or meaning.
Besides, if we're dancing how can we be dawdling at the same time? I'm so confused.
I need cake.
Or Neal...where's Neal? Maybe he can help me...




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