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Congressman Mike Rogers' opening statement on Health Care reform in Washington D.C.


Would like to hear your opinion on this please. Im not as welled versed or informed as many of you, all I know is, what he says I have a hard time believing. One of my Republican friends threw this one at me.

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Thanks for all your input. It just makes sense when I hear it from you guys. I also appreciate the links so I can go read for myself.

I read as much as I can and yet feel like I know very little compared to what I need to know to form an opinion, much less, debate about it. Thats why I enjoy coming here, to read real opinions that make sense.
wow, I so agree with this. I am guessing he is a heartless, great actor. I just dont get these people at all... I generally believe that there is good intention from most people. I know I can be naive despite my age and experiences... but my friend and neighbor who aligns herself with these opinions IS of good heart... We realize we are coming from the same place, the heart, we want people safe, we dont want anything bad happening to people especially if it can be avoided/prevented but we have very different opinions on the path to that goal.
You realize, of course, that this is a man who will never have to worry about health care benefits again in his life. Typically, he does not address those 17,000 people who will lose their health care coverage today....or the 17.000 who lost their coverage yesterday....or Tuesday....or tomorrow. Nor does he address the 75,000 who will see their health care premiums rise (for some, to unaffordable levels) today...and tomorrow.

That there are people DYING in this country....or facing foreclosure due to health issues...is a national disgrace. That our elected representatives have taken so long to even address this issue is another...and their failure to listen to the people, who still want - not just a public option, but a single payer system is even a bigger embarrassment.
I wondered where he got his 85% and 15% figures. The only way I can see those numbers working is if he's including people that are already on a "public option", medicaid.

And I thought it would be helpful to see the next speaker. You need to hear both sides so you can hear them call bull on each other. But like Toby said, that was at least 3 months ago. In the life of this health care debate, that's nearly 3 life times ago. There have been dozens of bills looked over and shot down since then, at least 3 or 4 publicly.

Rhon, it's great that you're checking it out. Dig in to any information you can find, then you can help others. =D
Thank you Just-a-Writer, I am trying... The reality is, IMHO, that no really knows what this health care reform will look like until we are knee deep into it. All I know is, *something* has to be changed and I believe that Obama only wants the best for us. I could not see him pushing something or recommending something that he felt would not be good for America.
This guy and other republican congress are reading from the talking points that were given by their sponsers-Health care insurance industries.If the democrats don't have the courage to pass the health care reform bill with, atleast government options added (If it were upto me single payer system) before the Xmas recess, next year would be very difficult or next to impossible to pass any meaningful healthcare reform bill. The president and the democratic congress are trying to please everybody, at the end, they will end up disappointing everyone.The republicans are not coming to the table to negotiate with open minds, they come with the intentions of to disrupt and to say NO NO and No to anything, then go to the talk circuits making fun of what has been side in the negotiation tables.
The previous 8 years, GW Bush led the country as if there are no opposition party. They 'd never cared what the democrats had to say, The republican run the congress, with the help of Joe lieberman and the socalled Blue-dog democrats, as if the congress had been run without any oppositions. Almost, anything Dick Cheney and G.W. Bush asked for they got it. Mind you their majority was much slimmer than what the democrats have now. Sometime I think the democrats wouldn't do much better evenif they have the majority of 95 to 5. I don't recall who was quoted as saying, I don't belong to any organized party, I am a democrat.
I think I will, thank you! All of you have excellent responses but especially this one because this is where it has hit home with so many, be it ourselves, family, friends... and its absolutely unacceptable.




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