TBD on Ning

Why is it, I wonder, that the same exact people who espouse Ayn Rand's "Objectivism" (rampant individuality, balls-to-the-wall Capitalism, zero regulation, etc.) also totally fail to notice that Beck, Limbaugh, and the like are exact real-world representations of the character Ellsworth Toohey, Rand's chief VILLAIN in "The Fountainhead"?

Tags: hypocrisy, ignorance, objectivism, right, wing

Views: 7

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Because they can! Who knows why anybody does anything!
Wow! Thank you for taking the time to not actually answer the question.

"Who knows why anybody does anything!"

That works so well on EVERY single discussion here! I think I'll have to use it more often.

I mean, a good liberal response to my inital question would be: "Because they're incapable of reading a book."

A good conservative response would be: "Because you're stupid and a traitor to your country and your race!"

And so on...
Speaking of traitors . . . I was recently compared to Ezra Pound . . . eeYeah, by a conservative. I guess that means it really wasn't a compliment, was it . . .

Ah well.
Well, it IS over 1000 pages (or was that "Atlas Shrugged," which I ALSO read in its entirety?)
I think we need to find a spokesperson (or a spokesauthor) for liberals who are also independent individuals and strong advocates for individualism and personal responsibility...we need our own Sarah Palin.
Jacquin, how do you really feel about all this?
And you'd further think, that since most of them proudly proclaim themselves to be devout Christians, that they'd UNDERSTAND the importance of compassion. But no. They use Christianity to justify their own selfishness, and try to wrap it in compassionate-looking garb (short for "garbage')
I'm sure we can't guess who "she" is. lol
I heard former Bush adviser, David Frum say that the more educated people get the less Republican they get. I think that pretty well explains it, doesn't it?




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