How many of us while we were growing up, got discplined for something we did not feel was right? Maybe another time we did something we should have been discplinned for and weren't. Did this happen to you?
It did to mother did the punishing in our family....she tended to lose her temper and get mad and punish us....other times, we could get away with about anything and there was no punishment.
I used to think that when I had kids, I was going to do things a lot diferent. I was going to encourage my kids to talk openly, not discourage them. Punishment would fit the crime, not be based on my temper or mood at the moment.
I never had kids, but I helped install those feelings in my nephews...I alwys encouraged them to talk openly with me, I was always truthful with them. I encouraged them to questioned their parents on things they felt were done wrong.
How about you? Were things different for you?