TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Larry is going to enter the cock fighting competition with his prize roosters. Larry has trained the meanest cocks around.
Red One wishes he had a cat, but cats won't live with him he barks and burps too much.
BethD is so happy the football season is starting. She's entertains the visiting teams at the Meadow Lands.
WendyLynn is trying out for a cheerleader position and hopes to preform at the Meadow Lands in the fall with her aerobatic moves. BTW, She will be fully clothed.
Red One is also going to try out for cheerleader. BTW, he will be nekkid.
I've seen stillgoing sitting on the sidewalk outside the Meadowlands ( Gettolands),
panhandling after games.
I heard that stillgoing has made enough money doing this to retire.
As part of her cougar course BethD is learning to skateboard.
TeeBubbaDee was thrown out of Mineral Ridge Ohio for panhandling. He's still a fugitive.
HEY!! What the hell, I thought you supposed to start a rumor, not quote the local newspaper!!!
Larry can read?
blondie 11 is really a redhead and bakes in the nude.




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