I bet I can...and I did. On the OTHER thread where you're promoting this bag o' lies.
Problem is, it seems you're pushing this bullshit on EVERY SINGLE GOD-DAMNED THREAD YOU WANDER INTO THESE DAYS.
If anyone but me cares, let me know and I'll re-print my other response here, or provide a link (since we know that Tool has a unique allergy to publishing links to anything. Maybe he was attacked by a sausage as a youth).
I have an allergy to posting links.....
I'd say your allergic to the truth....
you couldn't punch holes in that movie to save your ass.
it's references are rock solid and beyond your filthy mouth to pervert....
I have better things to do with my time than try and PERSONALLY debunk every crackpot conspiracy theory you promote.
BTW, those representatives are seeking to AUDIT the Federal Reserve, NOT dismantle it...
If the references in the film were "rock solid" than no one would be able to refute it (or even attempt to, eh?). Yet, strangely, there are a number of economics EXPERTS (of which I am NOT) who can tear it apart at will.
Of course they're all a part of the larger conspiracy, aren't they....ooooh....scary! Just like I am, I guess (me and my filthy, filthy mouth).
It's just a list of representatives co sponsoring a bill to audit the federal reserve
what's wrong with that?
They haven't been audited since their inception in 1913
"powerful bankers" is a euphamism for "jewish" This is 'hidden' racism at its best. The Founding Fathers weren't afraid of a central bank as much as they were CORPORATE Greed that would someday overwhelm the government. This is racist bunk. Typical cRyghtwing steaming cow flop. Give me SERVICES, but don't ask me to pay for any of them.