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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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  ~  computer 

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fertilizer, bone meal, soil test kit, peat moss 

Read: grovels, court glories, mystery, mow-a - tree 

novels, short stories, history, poetry

Sing: fop, sockin' troll, stop-her-duh, floss-pull

pop, rock and roll, opera, gospel 

Exercise: hogging, cush-cups, glancing, skimming 

jogging, push-ups, dancing, swimming

Words for a hot day: felt-her-ring, flute-all, door-hid, gull-tree 

sweltering, brutal, torrid, sultry 

Relaxing: not path, form bilk, loft cusik, sleep wreathing

hot bath, warm milk, soft music, deep breathing

Anxiety causing: byrons, borer boobies, vests, rent-cysts (occupation)

(these were a challenge)

sirens, horror movies, guests, dentists 

Bland foods for sensitive stomach s: mice hooding, mellow, forage, keg poodles 

("Guests" is perfect! I had been going for "tests," but guests are far scarier! Hahaha!)

rice pudding, jello, porridge, egg noodles (GOOD ones!)

Spicy foods/condiments: balsa, bot boss, Thigh mood (a cuisine), islamic choir-halls  (retro candy)  

salsa, hot sauce, Thai food, atomic fire balls 

Things that make you go "awww." : toot rabies, blue-corn guppies, bobbly mittens, comma and maybe elegant ( the two of them so cute together)

cute rabies...ooops, I mean BABIES :), newborn puppies, wobbly kittens, momma and baby elephant (I loved these!)

Surprising animal activities: mate-hoarding logs (cowabunga!), quiche-hawking rats (all mine did this), locker-praying gorses (the Budweiser Clydesdales do this), walking perillas (using sign language)

gate-guarding dogs, fish-stalking cats?, soccer-playing horses, talking gorillas 

County fair: rotten dandy, bowler toaster, Harris peel, brandied dapple

(skateboarding dogs, leash-walking cats--Sorry, my hints weren't clear enough.)

cotton candy, roller coaster, Ferris wheel, candied apple

Young adult beach party: holly-doll (activity), dear, peach trowels, spoolers (for "dear"--haha!)  




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