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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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cranberry, blueberry, strawberry, blackberry 

Stan: Stan Coral (comic), Donstantipople (city), Stanley Beamer (car), Stanley fool pit

Stan Laurel, Constantinople, Stanley Steamer, Stanley tool kit

Man: mandribble (jawbone), man-a-she (aquatic mammal), "Man overlord!", Man In the Dune

mandible, manatee, Man Overboard! Man in the Moon 

Cook: thief cook and throttle masher,  Cook Highlands, Caption Cook 

chief cook and bottle washer, Cook Islands, Captain Cook (loved these)

Pumpkin: pumpkin sigh, pumpkin batch, The Freight Pumpkin (from Peanuts), pumpkin starving  

pumpkin pie, pumpkin patch, The Great Pumpkin, pumpkin carving

Foul: foul south, foul call, foul bench, foul stay

foul mouth, foul ball, foul stench, foul play (Great ones)

Stuffing: mage stuffing, bless-smut stuffing, mourn-dead stuffing, roister stuffing 

These are wonderful also.

Sage dressing, chestnut dressing, cornbread dressing, oyster dressing

Potatoes: crashed potatoes, soiled potatoes, meat potatoes, clams

mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, sweet potatoes, ?

Types of sauce: banbury sauce, wavy, dream sauce, holidays sauce

( yams)

cranberry sauce), gravy, cream sauce, Hollandaise sauce

Side dishes: tomato hedges, toll paw, pallid, raked jeans

(oh, DUH!!!  Hahaha! Here's how linear my brain was--because it didn't say "types of potatoes," I was searching for a potato dish that started with a rhyme of "clams."  "Spam potatoes?" I thought. "Ham potatoes?" LOL)

potato wedges, cole slaw, salad, baked beans

More sides: dean ween kaiser-roll, tomato pallid, dreamed bunions, Russell's bouts

green bean casserole, potato salad, creamed onions (yum!), Brussels sprouts 

Seasonal desserts: dumb hooding, elan sky,  chinzecleat  dye, legbog

plum pudding, pecan pie, mincemeat pie (Yum! I add whole cranberries and tart apple chunks to mine with a thin cheesecake-like topping.), eggnog

More seasonal desserts: leper-lint mark (a candy), booger rookies, binger-dead wookies, Drench dapple thigh  




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