TBD on Ning

What are your plans for this weekend or next weekend.  Mine include going out to lunch tomorrow and then coming home so I can watch football.  Today I'm cooking a big pot of beef stew.  

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Watching the NASCAR races tomorrow afternoon. 

I haven't been home from vacation for 24 hours yet.  Customarily I give myself a couple more "vacation days" after arriving home before I start back doing any chores. So I'm catching up with social networking, T.V. shows and just relaxing. I have plenty of easy meal options so I won't be doing any real cooking. I think tomorrow I'll start back working on music. Haven't planned anything for next weekend yet.

 I went to the grocery store this morning then came home and mowed my yard and my neighbor's yard. His mower is broken. After that I picked the green tomatoes in my garden and split them between up between my neighbor, a friend and myself. I have some sliced up in the freezer to make fried green tomatoes and I've canned several jars of pickled green tomatoes that goes really good with fish. Other than doing a load of laundry that is going to be it.

We went to our local veggie place yesterday and boy was that a mistake. It was PACKED everyone with a mask but still not a comfortable feeling. Laundry today ( dog pads just about everyday) have to make dinner (everyday now because of covid and hubby's need to be GF) The cooking everyday is trying, I always so looked forward to a day off from it. Sometimes there are leftovers, that helps.

The inside.

The outside,

It is a big tourist draw,  some of the best sandwiches around.

You really have some beautiful places around your area.

Thanks TXgranny, we think so as do the tourists, especially this time of year.  

Very beautiful!

Just going over daughters today then next Sunday my other daughters.

OED - I've been in Jersey for about 6 weeks now - wish I had known you were in AC - if that's where you vacationed.  Saturday morning I got on the computer when I got up - something I rarely do and got on fb - another rarity - and saw my sister was having a yard sale.  I went over not planning on staying long, but ended up there all day helping her, keeping her company and then packing it all up.  The weather was absolutely perfect and there were lots of yard sales going on.  

Today my granddaughter invited over to dinner and I am so looking forward to it - she lives with her boyfriend, who I met when they came here for dinner and we went to Olive Garden for dinner.

Since I've been getting more creaky, I've been looking at getting some adaptive equipment for the bathroom. A friend was helping at the American Legion getting set up for their rummage sale and tipped me off to a shower chair with a back, so went and got it....$10 and still in the box...easy to put together with a Phillips screwdriver and a 7/16" wrench. Works fine even without a handheld shower. Yesterday went back and got some books ($1 for 3), then washed the car....will wax it this afternoon. Pot roast in the crock pot for dinner, and plan to make some Mexican meatball soup in a while. The weather continues so nice...low 70's during the day, but way too dry. Next weekend?...who knows.




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