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Is there a talent you wish you had or something that you wish you could do but don't know how or unable to? 

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For me, one thing would be to play the piano. I learned to play the guitar because that is what my dad wanted me to play and while I enjoyed doing it, it was really to play the piano that was my desire. 

I wish I could understand and speak multiple languages.

Learn guitar. I know a bit about drums.

I was forced to learn that "damn clarinet." Wish I had learned the piano. Dounle wish I could sing
Where is the edit button?
S/b double

Sorry Annie...no edit buttons on replies.  Sad but true.

Read and compare insurance policys.

Wish I could sing; but couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it.

 Making beautiful decorated cakes. All I know how to do is a wedding cake with a basket weave.

I wish I could paint pretty pictures like my artist friend does.
I wish I could paint too. Landscapes and things like that. I can just do some of the one stroke painting.

Type on the miniature electronic keyboard on my new tablet. So hard to get the key I target




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