TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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quicksand, quick fix, quick march, quick-witted

Slow: slow looker, slow fern, slow clown, slow bloke

slow cooker, slow burn, slow down, slow poke

Small: small tint, small-nail, smallfox, small blames

small hint, small-scale, smallpox, small claims

Big: big wheel, big sneeze, big knish, big f*cks

big deal, big cheese, big dish?, big trucks 

Spice: spice hack, Spice Curls, Bold Spice,  the spice of strife

(big fish and big bucks)

spice rack, Spice Girls, Old Spice, the spice of life

Rice: blight rice, clown rice, has-been rice, Rice-a-Phony

Yum. White rice, brown rice, Jasmine rice, Rice-a-Roni

House: house assessed, house-hound , house of shards, bull house

house arrest, house-bound, house of cards, full house

World: World Side Deb; Dialed World (song); peter of the knee world (POTUS--but if Rump is elected again, not for much longer, I'm afraid.); hood-buy, fool world!  

I loved these. They were good.

World Wide web , Wild World, leader of the free world, food he, cruel world

Minute: minute flakes (eat), Minute Raid (drink), minute salts (dance), a Zoo Stork minute

(Haha! Auto-correct strikes again. Pretty sure you typed "goodbye" and not "food he.")

minute steak, Minute Maid, minute waltz, a New York minute (I loved these!)

Hour: hourpass, pan of the hour, laughter hours, flea hours

Yes, goodbye

Hourglass, man of the hour, after hours, wee hours.

(Very nice)

Hot: hot body ( drink), hotaches (eat), hot mutton (press), Bed Hots

hot toddy, hotcakes, hot button, Red Hots (Nice ones!)

Cold: coldflock (fighting), coldparted, cold bore (one of 3 choices), cold creel (knives and swords)    

Coldcock. Cold hearted, cold sore, cold steel

Exercise: talking, sunning, glancing , brimming




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