TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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very true!

Your favorite chip is nachos; your dip of choice is guac.

False. As boring as it is, I guess my favorite chip/dip combo (major guilty pleasure) is potato chips and onion dip; but, I love guacamole! 

You wanted to be a ballerina as a girl.

False. (a model or a fashion designer, and with Wonder Woman's ink blue hair)

You once sent a sloppy, kissy valentine to your secret crush in school, (and didn't sign your name)

False. I never really had a secret crush in school.

It turned out that someone on whom you had a crush had a crush on you.

False. That person didn't even know I existed.

You are sick to death of hearing politicians calling each other liars.

True. I'm sick to death of the whole electoral process.

If you could fly over the rainbow, you would.


You have saved photo albums from 20 years ago or longer.


If there was nothing else available, you'd watch The Three Stooges before The Three Tenors.

True I'd settle for the mindless trio, (nyuck, nyuck, nyuck). Don't care for them much, but liked that one where the landlord was coming to inspect, and they rolled out of bed, peeled off their fuzzy pajamas, and they had their  street clothing underneath. all ready for work. That was pretty funny.

You never did love "Lucy."


you never did love Raymond


You reach for the popcorn when political  foolishness rolls off the TV screen.

false; I usually change channels

you're a registered blank (I don't wanna know what) and therefore you vote in a primary




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