TBD on Ning

....another silly game.  A & Q    (answers and questions)
Give an answer and the next person has to generate a question for that answer
then give another answer for someone else to respond to.


How does my bra feel at the moment?

a grope
What did Pru get last month?


Tags: Answers, Game, Questions

Views: 2681

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Wasn't that an old John Ritter series or something?



Peter Piper

What did they call Peter Pan when he learned to play the flute?

Cupid's bow

What comes after Cupid's solo?


sand dollar

What payment is used to enter a sandcastle?

desert isle

What's a mirage in the middle of the desert?



What is an abundance of corn?

Mrs. Murphy's chowder

Whaddya call the chowder that belonged to Mrs. Murphy????????????


the Labor party

What's a party where you work for pay in beer?

all-night kegger

What are you if you work in a keg factory and pull the graveyard shift?



What are judgments  according to Hap?

a starring roll

What may or may not be better than a bit part?



How do you talk disrespectfully to a fras?

ghost writer




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