TBD on Ning

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"I think women who know a bit about life are the most interesting. I don't think people in their 60s have anything to envy of those in their 20s."

I'm not concerned with a woman's age. It's just a number.

The only important number (to me) is their blood/alcohol content. I find that the higher that number is the more effective I become at relationships. Also, unconsciousness (hers) can erase the lack of commonality between the younger woman and the more mature male (me).    

An example of me being introspective.

Last year, at the tender age of 68 years old, I lured a 55 year old female to my abode. As I opened the door for her my mind flashed with this thought "young stuff tonight". It was then I realized that I was indeed aging gracefully.

taking advantage of their youth and inexperience? be gentle

Here's one I've learned through the years. "When choosing a relationship, make sure the guy loves you more than you love him. Women will always be nice a polite and nurturing because that's who we are, but when a guy loves a woman more, then they will be EQUALLY nice and polite, etc...."


you might be better off with chocolate...chocolate never disappoints you

Chocolate disappoints my arse, though. A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

"Never comment on a woman's rear end. Never use the words 'large' or 'size' with 'rear end.' Never. Avoid the area altogether. Trust me."
- Tim Allen

You got it ! @ crestofwaves in re to " Make sure he loves you more...

thanking you in advance...you just have to like some of these opinions

"Indeed, men over 50 are appealing because they can be trusted; they've already done their lying and cheating and other little boy nonsense and genuinely appreciate the company of a good woman, who, by definition, is probably better than he deserves."


whats wrong with a woman with a little bit of chocolate on the hips and ass ?? i keep a little jar of dove dark chocolates for just the occasion .. and i ain't stingy with em either .. and .. its supposed to be good for the heart too .. a win win all the way around .. 




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