TBD on Ning

....another silly game.  A & Q    (answers and questions)
Give an answer and the next person has to generate a question for that answer
then give another answer for someone else to respond to.


How does my bra feel at the moment?

a grope
What did Pru get last month?


Tags: Answers, Game, Questions

Views: 2688

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What must you do when China commits an infraction of the rules?

quilting bee

What's the least fun thing that I never attended?


cotton percale

What was the subject of Martha Stewart's lecture on selecting bed sheets?

triple crown

What wasn't won this time (or so I read)?


Mexican jumping beans

What Mexican import jumps instead of gracing a chili con frijolis?


What kind of comb has six edges?



What is German for, may God remind you to cover your face when you sneeze?

for better or worse

What's the end of a beautiful relationship?


South Carolina

What's directly south of North Carolina?


humor me

What do you ask when you've taken 2 turns in a row, (but for the greater good)?

the greater good

What is the larger of two chocolate donuts?


private jet




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