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How often did you start doing House Work and Sex got in the way ?

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Where IS Frenchy?

i'm here now .. had a bad back for the last week or so .. feelin a little bit better so i put up a pool the last couple of days .. been busy .. well not that busy .. till the last few days .. sometimes everything happens all at once .. i always thought thats why god invented time .. so everything wouldn't happen all at once .. but every now and then .. it does anyway .. 

and why do i remind anybody about quickies ??  not that i never had one or two .. but as a rule i'd try to drag it out for a few hours ..at least .. all day was even better ..but most girls would be cryin enough after a few hours ..  

Oooh, Frenchy!  Now that's what I call a man--all day. There are men who have never done that!  And women.

I wouldn't be crying enough...you'd be crying "no more."

Sorry about your back. Old age is a bitch. 

ON the Louie show ( love that show) he has a back problem and goes to the doc. The doc says there is nothing to do for it.  He said our backs have a cord with lots of little bones floating around it.  Stand up, and discs pop this way and that way.  Lie down, and the cord does what its supposed to.  The doc said our backs are a clothesline, but we want to use it like a flag pole.  He said any moment WITHOUT back pain is a miracle. It was funny to hear him say all this, but it's true, absolutely. So when Louie asked again what he should do for the pain, the doc said "Walk on all fours."

trust me cresty i was walkin on all fours for a few days there .. and the really crazy thing about it all is i never know what sets it off .. it just comes outta the blue .. no apparent reason .. people will ask what did you do ?? and i'd say i reached for the salt , or i sneezed , or i got out of my van .. its not usually somethin death defyin or some move i made where i bent myself all around like a pretzel .. its the little things you do everyday .. i was brushin my teeth .. or i burped .. and i have to say in the last few years its been better .. less than twice a year .. and probably even less than once a year on the average .. so maybe i'm doin somethin right .. but when i do it its gods way of tellin me to slow down .. and i listen .. i listen .. 

and i agree there are men and women who have never taken a whole day and put it aside for sex .. and thats sad .. sex drives are different for everyone but for most they just wanna get a nut and get on with their day .. and truth be told at 61 i'm slowin way way down too .. from 55 to 59 was a big change for me and now from 59 to 61 i can see the difference .. i can finally sing that song with true feelin .. suddenly , i'm not half the man i used to be .. but lucky for me i can still make it up with the other half of me .. you find a way .. 

Frenchy, once I barely coughed at the same time I was bending over to brush my teeth and pop.  I was nearly crippled from April to August with the sciatic pain.  Finally, my doctor gave me simple exercises ( which if he had given them to me sooner, I wouldn't have suffered all that summer--I was in my late forties)like the pelvic tilt or lying on my back bringing my knee up to my chest and holding it, and doing those for two weeks finally eased the pain.

I feel for you. My father had to get on all fours, literally , when he had sciatica.

As to all day, Too bad men have to slow down....

I had trouble lasting 5 to 10 minutes some lasted less thaan a minute ...

Aw, Wayne, you probably just didn't have the right woman. 

Ya got that right for sure . Just having a little from 2 women sure not much experience .....in my lifetime.....

My oldest child was conceived after about 8 straight hours in bed. My husband called in sick, and we played in bed all day.

Our second Child was conceived ass to ass . I know that for a fact ....It took all of 8 to 10 minutes of soaking .....

Long ago on my lunch hour i went to a store . Bought a hot rod magazine and was walking out of store . I stepped in a pothole and went down to my knees . The next day i went to work . When i got out of my car i had a pain that hit me in the back and i could barely stand . It eased off so i worked that day (changing tires and such) . The next morning i couldn't get up . Had to crawl to bathroom . After 3 days of that i went to emergency room . They X Ray ed it . Said i had a deformity from childbirth . They give me some muscle relaxers and some other pill that made ya feel like your feet was above  ya head . After 3 weeks it went away .




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