TBD on Ning

....another silly game.  A & Q    (answers and questions)
Give an answer and the next person has to generate a question for that answer
then give another answer for someone else to respond to.


How does my bra feel at the moment?

a grope
What did Pru get last month?


Tags: Answers, Game, Questions

Views: 2692

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(very good: sponge cake, indeed)

What is short and stout, and when it gets all steamed up, shouts "tip me over and pour me out"?

a thing of beauty

What is Jase Robertson (in my opinion )?




What do you call a tour bus that drives the wrong way down a one-way street?

cuckoo clock 

Whose inventor had a warped sense of humor?



What do you call what Al does to Ross when he rams his head into Ross's chest? (Groan)

cultured pearls

What should you never cast before cultured swine?


trained monkeys

Who could do a better job at learning to play the piano than I?

the weatherman

Who's the man who thinks he's in charge of the forecast?



What is the name I almost picked when I joined here.

palm tree

What do you call it when you sketch a tree in the palm of your hand? 


What's that awkward, bone-jarring trick you pull when you think there's another step up and there isn't?


calling all girls

What a guy does when paging through his "little black book".

long distance relationship




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