As I have said before, I hunt, shoot trap, and target shoot. I have a shotgun at each entrance and would not hesitate to use it if need be. If I go somewhere I feel unsafe I carry a .38. And no one is tell me I can't have a gun. Especially the government.
As with every other right that has been spelled out in our constitution and amendments, there is a civic responsibility we have that goes along with our "right to bear arms." What happened to that?
There seems to be this palpable fear that exists that overwhelms discussions about what responsibility the public should have has regarding this issue. I don't understand the psychology that leads people to decide that this a normal reasonable way to live. All these boogie men in the shadows and under the bed with lots of bullets and guns just wanting to kill us and take all our stuff....and then if the boogie man doesn't get us...our government will take all our guns away so "they" can get us.
Maybe if we'll stop reading those whacknuttty conspiracy web sites and turn off the local "if the bleeds it leads" news, we might actually be able to control our fear without all the weapons...I dunno.
I am quite sure the founders of our government never thought this particular amendment would end up with the results we have now.
Well there are some bad people out there and I am a very responsible gun owner. It is also a sport of mine and I hunt to put meat in my freezer. Also coyotes really don't like them..
Dewalt..I come from a family of hunters and gun owners. They mostly prefer a bow and arrow for hunting but they use a gun now and again for varmits that might be after their dogs. I've learned to use a variety of weapons, but not being a hunter or an avid tin can or sheet shooter I don't own firearms.
Right off hand, I don't remember the latest stats for gun deaths in the US but it's more than 12,000 a year. Obviously, not all gun owners and users are as responsible as you and my family members are.
How can we get other folks to be as responsible?
maybe have trained law enforcement officers in theaters to conduct calm reasoned discussions?
I've been shot at three times by "responsible gun owners" - Or at least two people who were considered "responsible" only because the law didn't do it's damn job.
The first time was when I was 11 years old. A well-known, local old crazy lady's precious flower bed had been ruined by some kids on their bicycles, so she naturally took a shot at the next kid she saw on a bike - Which happened to be me, even though I'd never set foot on her property. I called the cops when I got home, her family showed up and she was taken away to the happy room she should have been in for years, and the .22 she'd used was confiscated - Guns are considered such a normal thing around here that it aw-shucks just never occurred to any "responsible" people that she was too nuts to be allowed NEAR a firearm, let alone unrestricted access to one.
The second time was when I was dating a divorcee, and her drunken, on-probation ex took a shot at me as I was leaving her house. Missed me by a mile, he jumped in his car and tore off. Cops were called, he was caught a few miles away and went back to jail.
Third time was when I was helping a woman friend move out of her separated husband's house - He was also hiding behind his car, parked at the curb, and fired at me as I carried a chair out her back door. THIS asshole was a respected, well-connected member of the community, and had friends on the police force who didn't want him to get in any trouble. The only thing that nailed his ass was that his wife saw him shoot at me, she was almost as well-connected as he was and was more than happy to testify against him - The cops just couldn't sweep it under the rug. However, he was well-enough connected that he wound up only doing a few years in a resort prison, and moved to another state after being let out VERY early. Never heard from him again.
All of this has brought me to the conclusion that guns are a necessary evil in this country, simply because it's so easy for irresponsible assholes to get their hands on them. Owning a gun does not make you responsible, qualified, brave, a decent citizen or a badass in or of itself - It just means that you are one of millions who were able to exploit this country's obsession with firearms, and the legality of your purchase or FOID doesn't really enter into it. I certainly know that there are careful, responsible gun owners, but in the end they are a part of the problem, not the solution: If guns weren't so in demand and easy to get, even the good ones wouldn't NEED one to protect themselves.
My brother is an ex-Marine who drove a cab in the worst parts of Albuquerque for several years, and he never went on duty without a couple of guns - As he explained it, because carrying was like driving the cab itself: No matter how polite and careful you were, there was absolutely no guarantee that the next driver/fare you saw wasn't going to try and take your head off, and, as a responsible driver/human being, you had to have something that could stop him before he did exactly that. Sick as all hell, but maddeningly true.
blithe sometimes you can't fix stupid. I have a gun safe and learned at an early age "there is no such thing as an unloaded gun." With all the crackheads up here (not to mention serial killers) and gansta punks (and coyotes) my dog and I are gonna be protected. When I lived in Houston I had two men try to run me off the road when I was going to work. I pointed (didn't shoot") my gun at them they took off. It has saved my rear more than once.
Well we could go bibical on their asses...gun shot for gun shot...your gun shoots and kills someone somebody shoots and kills you...might take a while but it might raise the IQ of the gun populace.
And to be honest I am more concerned about the loose cannons so to speak.... then criminals trying to steal my stuff.
This just happened around here the other day....There was 71 year old retired cop who shot a man in a movie theater because the guy was texting before the movie started and somebody threw some popcorn at him...WTF?
The last time I was at the movie on Christmas Day there was a woman with a cell walking behind my sister that went off and the top popped off her drink and some of it sloshed out my sister's jacket ...didn't seem like a killing offense to her.
thought this was a touch indicative of the trouble with even trying to discuss it...
this is the beginning of the story....
Famed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is no stranger to controversy. But Weinstein says he’s turned his sights on his biggest target yet: the National Rifle Association.
“I shouldn’t say this. I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this issue head-on and they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them,” Weinstein said during an interview with radio host Howard Stern Wednesday.
“I think the NRA is a disaster area,” Weinstein added, saying, “I don’t think we need guns in this country.”
Deadline Hollywood says the movie is currently titled “The Senator’s Wife” and will focus on the NRA’s successful attempts to lobby federal lawmakers against voting for gun control legislation.
now some people have a right to have guns...and everyone has a right to their opinions....or do they? following the story are the comments...1485 comments...and most of them vile pieces of invective calling him a treasonous jew etc etc....i'll stick a couple here so you can see...
If it's bad for America, you can be sure hook-nosed Jews like the Weinstein brothers are in favor of it. Gun grabbing, corrupt banks like the Federal Reserve, race-baiting, homosexuality, all in the Zionist plan to overtake our country by deceit. Wake up and see how Jews are behind most horrors around the world, regardless of the country. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has been called a hoax by Zionists ever since it's exposure to the 'goyim', but it is no hoax. Nothing has ever been more accurate. It's the game plan Jews use to subvert the unsuspecting cattle, which is how Jews secretly view non-Jews. No wonder they publicly deny it's origins, but secretly follow it to the letter. Call me an anti-Semite if you want to. It's a badge I wear proudly, because I've seen through their lies for a long time, even if they still have the majority of Americans fooled.
Sandy Hook was a hoax and this Zionist knows it.
More ultra-liberal Propaganda made by Guilt ridden, Rich Jewish Democrats. If they want to film outrageous murder and violent characters? film inside "Planned Parenthood"
Obama & the demoniKKK-rat party says "SHUT THE F UP & DRINK THE DAMN KOOL-AID"
Jim Jones Kool-Aid Drinker
People who believe anything they are told. people who refuse to change there minds when confronted with facts.
a kool-aid drinker is the liberal democrat who is liberal because they are told they should be. they have made no attempt to decide why the are liberal.
often a koolaid "drinker" simply wants to hate anything a republican does good or bad.
kool-aid people are the vocal Howard Dean wing of the democrat party.
kool-aid drinkers are the ones that went first when Jim Jones said drink.
Derogatory term for a liberal activist, implying that s/he is a lunatic.
I would like to take this fat POS out and slaughter him like a cow.
More insanity from another hypocritical utopian-statist with a totatalitarian mindset. In the midst of this moron and the army of leftist drones, I feel as an unwilling character in a Rod Serling Twilight Zone movie who finds that his individual liberties and private property rights are being perniciously sapped away by aliens from a place called Liberal.
The bad guys will always get the guns, control or not.
well the right to bear arms was put in the constitution by our forefathers to protect us from an oppresive government .. while a lot of people like to think its so we can hunt or as a personal tool to carry around for self protection those are just secondary reasons .. if our forefathers knew that we';d be so outgunned by the government like we are today i think they would have put a clause in that anything the government can have so can a private citizen ( providin of course he's not some waco on meds ) eh.. maybe not ?? who knows for sure ? somehow i don't think a tank or a howitzer on every front lawn is the key to security .. and i'll agree that there will always be people who will misuse guns .. the stats back that up .. but have we killed 6 million people in a 5 or 6 year span ?? ever ?? hitler did .. right after he took all the guns away from the general populace in germany .. and people still like to think it can't happen here .. gee i wonder how many germans thought that too ??.. i'll admit that the sandy hook killin was a tragedy was the auroa movie theatre in colorado .. and a bunch of other wingnuts who just go off for no other reason than they're nuts.. they spend so much time talkin gun control but no time at all talkin people control .. they've cut spendin for the mentally ill by 300% and then act all surprised when they slip thru the cracks and go off like a roman candle .. and then they blame it on gun control .. adam lanza's mom was a responsible gun owner .. she was murdered by her son and her guns were stolen .. she didnt give him them guns and say go and shoot as many kids as you can .. she died tryin to stop him .. i own a gun .. i don't take it out and wave it at people or show it off .. and i hope i never have to use it .. i took the course to be able to carry it in public yet i never do .. i may change my mind about that at some point but as of now no .. i won't .. and yes there are plenty of bad guys who own illegal guns .. take the guns away from the responsible legal owners and then what ?? tell me how that makes any one of us safer from the bad guys who still have em and won't turn em in ?? there are no statistics for shootings that actually were self defense where a gun made the difference .. a gun death is a gun death .. sometimes and its more often than you think its a suicide . again a very sad situation .. but if you wanna kill yourself you can just drink a bottle of drano or rat poison or drive your car off a bridge .. they haven't outlawed any bridges or cars lately and i doubt they're gonna outlaw drano or rat poison for that reason either .. there are a lot of things that we have in out homes and workplaces that can kill us if we're not careful .. guns aren't even at the top of the list .. there are millions of gun owners who never shoot anyone .. so statisticly speakin its not as bad as they try to make it out to be .. nothin close to germany and all the people hitler killed .. when it gets close to those numbers then we can start talkin about how bad it is ..
Actually, Ms. Lanza WAS a tea party / survivalist loon, and even though she full well knew that her son was mentally ill, taught him the full use of the weapons at her disposal (With a local cop as a chaperone !), at approved gun ranges and other "safe and respectable" locations - Based on the COMPLETELY INSANE IDEA that teaching this messed-up kid how to proficiently handle guns would somehow teach him responsibility and cure him of schizophrenia.
If THAT isn't an example of letting crazy people own guns, then I don't know what is.
Think I'm being unreasonable ? Do you know any emotionally-disturbed teenagers ? Give 'em the keys to a brand new Corvette, uninsured and with a full tank of gas, and stand back and marvel at how quickly they become sane, trustworthy adults, if you don't believe me...
I've always taught my daughter that guns are like drugs or cars - They're inanimate objects, having no inherent moral content; It's all about how you use them. And, in this country, we look the other way when stone crazy people are allowed to get their hands on guns and cars and kill people, in the name of "freedom" - yet we freak out and are quick to blame and punish the first available person or institution when somebody goes off on a bad trip and does something horrible, and then we pass and enforce some of the stupidest drug laws in the world.
Maybe it's because we are more frightened of drugs - Some molecules too small to be seen with the naked eye that can still make a mother eat her own baby, scare the living shit out of Americans. Drugs can change your very personality, which I think pushes American's ultra-individualist buttons in terrifying ways; Nobody thinks that when you pick up a gun or a car, that they instantly unleash some previously-repressed mass-murdering demon inside each of us, even though one look at road rage death stats or how guns kill far more family members in the middle of an argument than they do "bad guys" would make one think twice about that assumption - Yet, gulp down one little little pill and you can completely lose control of yourself, and do things you wouldn't believe yourself capable of doing.
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