still looking
Life is what you make it, everyone can decide for themselves. I'm trying not to waste more of mine by enjoying my daily life, being kind to people I encounter every day, make a small difference.
Yes life is what ya make of it . When i was young i didn't think much of it . In 1979 i learned if i was to have anything i had to work for it .The next 25 years i was stuck in a furniture plant with no chance of advancement . But i stuck to raising my kids . Now that seems meager to how my kids treat me . Being on a fixed income is a dull boring life of sitting around day in day out just thinking what could have been . I've always been able to get what i need , not what i want . Now in my last days i live to breathe .
Sounds like you're having a bad day today. We all have them, Wayne. Good life, bad life, those bad days still creep in sometimes. Hang in.
I really didn't have a bad day . Just stating how i feel most of the time . Right now Life Is Good , I think ....
The MEANING OF LIFE means something different to everyone. To me, it means NOT waiting for the perfect circumstances for your life to become PERFECT. If you are content with what you have and do the best with what you have got then you have it made. I mean, no problem with "dreaming" and hoping til your dying day that all those dreams will come true. They can because NOTHING is really impossible.
Wayne...Nobody can change the past and if you reflect on what's GOOD about how things turned out, you may not feel so bad about how they didn't turn out YOUR WAY. JUST because you WANTED another outcome does NOT guarantee that life would have been all candy and rainbows for you. I'm sure you have heard that song "Unanswered Prayers" and even maybe seen the movie (its a good movie) but I have often thought over my life and the times I wished for something and SADLY didn't get it.
ONE example came recently and it will STAY with me the lesson I learned about "being careful what you wished for". I was "casually" telling a friend/co-worker a year or so ago (he used to work with local detectives) that I "PARTIED" with the Pirate Parrot around 1983 because my boyfriend was a good friend of his. He asked what my boyfriend's name was then His mouth DROPPED and he said, "Holy crap, THAT guy and the "Pirate Parrot" were BUSTED for cocaine trafficking and JUST got out of prison a few years ago!!" WOW...WHO KNEW? (APPARENTLY everyone except ME!! I wasn't with him OR living in Pittsburgh when this hit the papers!!) The guy was really good to me and I nearly married him!!! TALK about a CLOSE CALL!!
well .. i used to think it meant a stromboli and a blowjob .. but as you age your goals change ..
Biologically we are probably just tools used by DNA to get replicated. I alluded to our belief in a meaning in life in an earlier post in a different thread when I mentioned Kurt Vonnegut and the story about purpose. Why do we assume there is some meaning or purpose other than the fleeting ephemeral one we make ourselves? The Mayfly lives but a day as an adult as Stephan Jay Gould tells us in A Panda's Thumb and then is gone. Our days are longer but our fate and the meaning of our appearance likely no different. But our ability to foresee the consequences of our actions supposedly distinquishes us from most other creatures although one may not be able to tell that too readily or at least question that claim as we kill off the planet.
whoa shadow you're makin me get really serious .. i was tryin not to .. the meanin of life ?? eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! i dunno .. i guess its different for everybody .. i'm sure some things are universal for most people .. love and devotion to your family .. religion and an afterlife for others .. for some it could be their work be it meanial or rocket science , its important to them .. the feelin that they've accomplished somethin and left this world a better place ... tried to do the right thing even if it wasn't the most popular ..treat others the way you'd wanna be treated .. i'd say most of these are pretty universal ..
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