I have noticed an increase in Job's around here , probably near you also . Employers are advertising Job's and they have noticed very few are applying for them .
What do you feel is the reason few people apply , Is it like of experience or spoiled from being out of work for so long ?
I have noticed it too. The attitude here is "why should I work when I can sit home and draw unemployment"
North Carolina cut there unemployment benefits from 500 something dollars to 300 something dollars a week . Maybe that may get some people off their asses to apply ...
I think the jobs situation has been improving for a while, I don't know anyone who wants to work that isn't. I'm not aware of employers not getting applicants. They might want to look at the pay scale they are offering and the benefits, I would not do crap work for nothing that's for sure.
First thing is, the younger generation doesn't understand the concept of asking for an application to fill it out. They may SEE that they are hiring but they go home and get ONLINE. SECOND...no one wants to work. Both of my kids (and me too) have been in a training position where they're trying to teach them "the ropes" and they're usually totally not paying attention or they are WHINING, "When are we finished?" My daughter trains people (daily lately) to basically work in a dog kennel that is "called" a Dog Day Care. People think they are going to sit on a comfy couch and pet dogs all day. They forget that dogs poop and eat too. One girl said, "I just want to let you know up front, I CAN"T work in the "big dog" yard because I am afraid of German Shepherds and Labs!" (Say WHAT??!!) A lot of them will stick with it for a week or so, maybe a month and then they simply DONT show up, don't call, NOTHING. My daughter says they don't even come back to pick up their paychecks. My son, in Wisconsin says they experience the SAME scenarios.
I really don't notice,i have my shop and 2 part-time employees since '1990.
I guess my state of Wisconsin is still one of the few going backwards in job creation and in the last couple of years has dropped from number 11 to number 49 or 50th. I checked the state's website and here as of next week if one can qualify for unemployment one has to fill out at minimum four applications per week and the maximum benefit is $363 and you would have to have had a very good paying job to get that. Nationally things seem to be getting better.
In 2004 after hiking the Appalachian Trail I knew I needed some new backpacking gear and some new computer equipment so I thought I would apply at an outdoor outfitter and Best Buy and then whichever I got I could use the employee discount to help fund updating whichever. If you ever have looked around in a Best Buy store all the employees look to be about 20 years old. Gander Mountain hired me immediately as a 1039er (you work less than 1039 hours a year so you get no benefits), however, they did have a hefty employee discount compared to some stores. I did work for the Forest Service the summer before last and did have to cease my part-time teaching job until that was done. Most applications are done online now and one for Office Max or something reminded me of the psychological screening for pilots to insure they don't go off on a mission of their own. My experience is that the older you get the less anyone wants you and that's true of employment too. :-)
That works for me as I have no desire to work.
I'm from Southern Wisconsin and other then minimum wage and part-time jobs there doesn't seem to be a lot around here. Many employees are going through temporary employment agencies and many also limit hours so that they don't have to pay benefits. Even though the large department stores don't pay good wages they have cut back employees to the point where instead of an employee asking if they can help you.........the customer has to search for someone just to be able to check out at a cash register.
That should be 'employers are going through temporary employment agencies'.
if the choice is to take a part time job or a temp job that pays LESS than unemployment and has no benefits, tell me why in the world anyone would do that?...and even a full time job at minimum wage is around 14,500 a year...hardly a living after your deductions....i suggest you go find the charlie rose interview with bill moyers which just aired for a better perspective on employment. and then watch for the program moyers was talking about as to what has transpired with working people over the last 30 years
Some of that was also discussed on a Public Radio Program the other day. Due to the decline of worker wages and benefits when accounting for inflation over the last several decades we now have more and more full time workers in the poverty class. The Supreme Court has decided that legal fictions known as Corporations are persons with the right to pour unlimited money into politics and with money now defined as speech, those without will not have much to say.
I worked in retail at a national chain craft store called Hobby Lobby with the "tentative" promise of full time which makes about $14.00. We pretty much BUILT the place. Started from the ground up...a brand new store. I worked my butt off and did everything that was asked and I worked nights, weekends, and never called off. In the beginning we were working 50 hours a week because we were ALL considered Seasonal Temps until the 60 days were up so it WASNT "full time" and we didn't get overtime. Well, corporate decided NOT to hire a full time person for the department I was in. Instead they had the Assistant manager handle THAT and her jobs as manager. They hired a few other people for full time but they were in 2 departments when the store really needed MORE. The store is GIGANTIC and has MANY departments. SOME weeks us part time people would get 38 hours and sometimes we would not even be on the schedule. That was coming from our district manager because our store managers were pulling their hair out from the pressure of trying to get everything done with the few good workers we DID have that he couldn't hire full time. Well, I cant pay RENT and electric, and phone THAT way so I got a second job and became LESS flexible and eventually I quit and so did all the original people (including all 3 managers) EXCEPT the ones who were heads of departments. (I would NOT have wanted full time in either jewelry, framing, or floral anyway!)
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