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Do you have a New Year resolution? I don't because

I never keep them :(


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Lol... If I spent anymore time on the computer, I would never leave the chair!!

I hope to give up anything that contains sugar - except - my 3 squares of chocolate per night, after my dinner. You see I need to loose weight ready for my hip operation.

Gill, you'll be having a bionic hip maybe.. My friend just had knee replacement

she's doing great and I hope everything goes smoothly for you too !  

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.

True Julia ! but do you have a new years resolution?

I want to stay healthy this coming year and be kind.

Gill I have a hip replacement and 2 knee replacements, it is so nice to be free of the pain.

Can't wait to be free of pain - am suffering now for too long & can hardly stand. Hopefully getting my first one very shortly!

My resolution this year is to have more fun, to find things I enjoy and do them. I recently had a scare and thought I might have cervical or ovarian cancer. Got the results of the biopsy and ultra sound a few days before Christmas, I did have a polyp removed from my cervix but everything is fine, I don't have cancer.

During the last few months I thought I might be having my last holidays and I realized the only thing I would regret is not having more fun, worrying about housework being done is a waste, fun comes first.




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