TBD on Ning

Korea is now the world’s second-largest exporter of missionaries after the United States.

Just thought you would like to know.

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If it only were Moonies ...

South Korea sends more Christian missionaries than any country but the U.S. and  it won't be long before it's number one.

Samuel Kang was God's improbable choice to be a leader in the world's fastest-growing missionary movement. Kang was born in Japan when the Japanese empire was forcing alien Shinto beliefs down Korean throats.

At the end of World War II, the Kang family returned to Korea and grew deeply fervent in their Christian faith. The Kangs dedicated Samuel to God, and they told him, "You will become a pastor."

Kang rebelled. "I did not want to accept my parents' dedication of me to God without my consent," he says. For years, he resisted God's call. But by the time he was 20, Samuel's heart softened, and he felt compelled to give himself to God. "No one can escape from his sovereign call," Kang says.

It took another 20 years of discipling and discernment before Kang set foot on a mission field. At age 39, Kang and his wife, Sarah (who had discovered her own call to missions work), left South Korea for Nigeria. When they departed in 1980, there were only 93 Korean missionaries worldwide.

During the next 11 years, Samuel and Sarah Kang raised a family, planted Nigerian churches, and started a Bible college for Nigerian pastors. Kang's eyes sparkle as he recalls his days in Africa. "The Lord gave me this wonderful opportunity to serve him," he says. "If God gives me another life, may I give it to him as a missionary."

Kang doesn't look backward very often. Now 64 years old, with silvery hair and a gentle smile, he is leading an ambitious 25-year plan to help South Korea send out more missionaries than any other country.

Kang is chief executive director of the Korean World Mission Association and dean of the Graduate School of World Mission at Seoul's influential Chongshin University. He has helped move South Korean missions into a place never before imagined: South Korea today sends out more missionaries than any other country except the United States. In terms of missionaries per congregation, Korea sends one missionary for every 4.2 congregations, which places it 11th in the world.

Another Moonie cult...?

oh yeah...we should retaliate and send all them little romneys over there....might teach them more than the south of france...

Hahahahaha,I like that idea.

a missionary race....you lob a missionary here, we lob two back atcha...with no return trip tickets

Now their new satellite yesterday proves they now can lob intercontinental ballistic missile technology at us.

The thing is, I don't know which is worse for mankind; old worn out fundamentalist religiosity or modern nuclear weapons?  Probably a combination of both ... North Korea's pugilistic belief system reminds me of Mitt Romney's ancestors "Blood Atonement" belief system; read on ...

Didn't that rocket they just shot off contain missionaries who were to spread the word of Dear Leader?"




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