TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Now how'm I supposed to make a freakin' living?


Was offline yet again for a few days (note to self: kill Verizon people) but am baaa-aaack ... surrounded by the books I should have jettisoned ... but didn't. (Anybody want to take up fly fishing? I have menny, menny instructional tomes.)

Thanks for the generous offer. No fly fishing for me. No patience.

I went for a job interview yesterday, at the Department of Social Services.  The job involves going to apartments before DSS clients move in and after they move out to assess security deposit damage.  There are other aspects as well, but that's apparently a biggie.  The interviewers were really impressed by my black belt. I think they might actually have hired me, but I needed to fill out a form with my date of birth so they could do a background check.  Now I doubt they will, and you know what?  I would be good with that; that office was a depressing place.

Still, a job with health insurance would be nice.  Turns out that I love teaching, and the department chair thinks I'm doing a good job, but four hours a week max doesn't pay the bills.

Huh...that's state, right? Don't be so sure - a lot of times they get credits and kudos for hiring older workers. Happened to me last year at a non-profit.

Yeah, social work can be a bit on the downside in its scope and environment. I spent a few years running a soup kitchen in a homeless shelter - almost made me forget that "it's fun to be friendly!".

Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes.  I went right from the interview to my old employer and said, in effect, "Please, please, please, please hire me back!  I have a degree now and everything."  So maybe something will come from it one way or another.

Good luck, Carol! The whole concept of job = health benefits is ridiculous, but whatddyagonnadoanyway? As Bmichiael said, your chances may be better than you think, age-wise. Keep us posted ...

I liked it a lot better… long before the internet and cable…when there were fewer people telling me what to think.

Now, I get so confused.

I repeat Marilyn's good wishes. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I needed a good laugh, but perhaps it’s just as well I can’t find my old high school literary annual. I had a short story and a few poems in it, and I recall only a few lines from the longer of the two poems. it was on the subject of graduation and going forth – something like: “upward toward the light/Onward through the darkening storms of night. …” seriously? The h.s. senior I then was knowing a thing about the darkening storms of night? Can she see me now?

            I wonder if that stuff is stored in the back shed, along with the broken fan, the grand kids’ car seats, the dark room equipment my husband set up and never used and the beer posters my teenaged son once tacked up to cover the holes he punched in the wall.

Didn't get the job, and although part of me is relieved, part of me wonders if I'll ever work full-time again.  It's been two years.  I'm tired of sending out resumes and getting no response at all.  I spend three or four hours on each one, with the cover letter and all, tailoring it to the job description.  What's the point?

I wish i could say something encouraging,  but  I'm retired and  and glad I dont't have to look for work today when the going is so hard. I remember several years ago when I was let go of work they thought I was not suited for (and I probably wasn't and shouldn't have taken it in the first place), I soon lucked into something I   enjoyed doing for a long time. Being canned freed me up, though it sure didn't feel like a favor at the time.

Sorry to hear...

When I decided to leave Culinary, I had good luck with temp agencies - it gets you in the door where you can show off. I hadn't thought about it before, but my last three jobs (including the current) began as a temp - each led to fulltime. 

Good luck!




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