TBD on Ning

I know none of us read the rag magazines or click on the celebrity gossip sites.  I know I don't.

Okay, sometimes I do.  When I see a headline about Sarah Palin I just have to click and see what it's all about.  It's usually something silly about something she said or something she wore, but I like to see what craziness she's up to.

Which celebrity do you just have to follow?

Tags: celebrity, following, gossip, stalking

Views: 106

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I actually can't think of one. Well, maybe Lindsy Lohan. It's always hard to imagine how someone that talented, attractive and all around fortunate can be that big a screw up.

I'll have to get back to you on that.

The last time I did the grocery shopping, it was Siri Cruise, but that could change quickly.

I am morbidly fascinated with the spoiling of that child.

I know, I'm bad.  I just wonder what her own grandmas are thinking.

Is she spoiled?  How old is she now?  Seems like she was born last week.

I don't know if she's spoiled yet.  She's six years old and her name is Suri.

Everywhere she goes with her parents, the paparazzi follow her.

I hope she catches a break with some kind of normal life.

It's tough enough for an only child who is the focus of so many adults.

I think I just read that her big sister got a tattoo.

But I don't read that shit, so how would I know?

Well, I guess Suri isn't as only as I feared.  

The other Cruise kids will have to share the morbid fascination.

Reminds me of the Brando children and how well they turned out~~~

Celebre-itis is wearing very thin on me these days.  Attention whores is all they seem to be and for the most part none of them deserve my attention.  

Give me the little people with big impact.

I saw "Prunella Farquar" written on one of the Art Cars in the Houston Art Car Parade last Saturday.

I also saw a Dingo watching the parade.


The Dingo was wearing a hat.


Aggie, Did it look like this??

No, very cute hat on very cute Dingo.




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